Longish Video With More Than One Lesson

I think it’s a nylon skirt (maybe?)

Unfortunately not. At 13:40 you can see it is a piece of plastic with a big hole in it.

At least they would have learned that skirts aren’t only for rainy days.

Gee, people that paddle expensive non-pool toys with bulkheads do really dumb stuff too!


This leaves me dumbfounded.


Rnsparky, that’s what I got out of the video. It didn’t even come close to common sense. Listening to the “Inexperienced Brother’s” breathing, he was worn out before they rounded the point, and they were already taking on water; he was wearing shorts!?!?! if he’d been wearing the spray skirt, they would have most likely made it to open water. The video series would’ve ended there.

The episode should have serve as a wake up - not a bit learned. The next day, they patched up the boat with screws, baling wire, and bubble gum. With a faulty forward bulhead, “The Experienced Brother” went out alone, in a tandem kayak with a jacked up rudder. Nothing changed.

Can’t wait for the rappelling video using clothes line rope.


Sing, my friend! It has been more years than I can count on both hands since we chatted online. Are you still surfing/killing it or have you relegated yourself only to longboats now?

I miss paddling the Thimbles! (I am in OR)

Scott L

I had to laugh when early in the video when the waves were quite small he called them a “tidal wave.” I thought it looked like perfect conditions, and fun. That area is high on my list of destinations to kayak.

I’m glad they are okay but I tire of this kind of stupidity. One bad decision he didn’t acknowledge was his ridiculous music choice for the video.

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Actually I was thinking that, but I realize that waves often look smaller on videos, but they did sink. Perhaps his . . . Disposition . . . Was not that suited for kayaking. He was on the very of an apoplectic fit from the start.

It has been awhile indeed. Current reality is that some of us old time “PNetters” (Paddling.com was orginally Paddling.net) fade in and out with our participation in these forums, depending on changing contexts of our lives and changing past-time interests and pursuits. And, of course, we have seen our share of ole PNetters whose time came to “paddle to that distant shore.” Their time with us live in memories.

I assume you are still paddling, Scott. :slight_smile: I still paddle surf and look forward to it. But, days of challenging overhead to double head waves are behind me. I take out a long boat only to surf. More adventuresome paddles with longboat that require competent partners are also behind me. I think the last time I did a more “adventuresome” long boat paddle was with Tsunami Chuck when he came for a visit. We paddle out from Lynn Harbor, around the tip of Nahant got in some some rockplay along the way in some mellow swells, and then finished up with with some longboat surfing at Nahant Beach. This had to be 10 years or more ago.

Your Thimble Island venue… Must be almost 15 years or more since I paddled down there. I remember doing that trip with this massive get together paddle of members coming from NSPN, RICKA and ConnYak. Wonder if the clubs still do these get togethers? Regardless, I don’t go out with others, never mind with clubs, these days. Just way more time and coordination (rigermarole) than I want to deal with.

I have my Delphin 150 sitting on the front yard, ready to load up for some long board surfing this weekend. A campaign door knocker and, evidently, sea kayaker came by. He saw the Delphin and immediately offered to buy it from me. Apparently, he is part of a small group out of South Boston that go out to do some longboat play and surf. I was tempted. But, the Delphin is still sitting out in front of the house. She’ll see some waves this weekend. :slight_smile:


This just happened near the area of my “home break”. There are rocky reefs and shoals where swells would suddenly pitch up and break. Looks like a small craft got caught, as we have been seeing smaller incoming swells for the past week. For the unsuspecting, anytime you have swells, you’ll encounter an occaisonal bigger set sneaking in that catch you in the wrong place and unaware.
