Marcel Speaks

When “that one” herniated on a portage hauling more payload than a mini SUV, them stooped boyz got kicked to the side of trail and prayed for till they died. Not to be a bummer, but it happened to more than “one”

Peace J

I do not get your point Paatit. Can you make it in plainer English?

Sure. The statement “no one ever died on a portage” is not totally accurate, I wasn’t trying to be contrarian. :slightly_smiling_face: Voyageur porters suffered herniation hauling those massive loads. It was not documented well, passing references by the fur trade companies.
I was looking for an account SFO had in a book, that briefly talked about it with the indication it was lethal injury. They couldn’t get their guts pulled out of their scrotum. Drowning and starvation were documented by FT companies to be the main cause of unintended deaths. SFO wrote on those same lines. Gun shot wounds and broken bones were common and was crippling or fatal.
And it has been 11 months since I have paddled
I loved this thread (my grandma and her boyfriend used to have a camper pickup similar to PJCs photo). I grew up in North Central MN I knew several gentlemen (and ladies) that could did not tolerate youthful exuberance and the bar moved as they aged. Good folks.
Peace Jeff

I remember reading about one fatality in the american whitewater data base that was the result of a fall during scouting or portaging. It occurred somewhere out west. I can’t recall the specifics but you would have to read through a whole lot of drownings before you would find it. So it kind of proves that you are much safer portaging.

I just found this great thread. I’ve made my share of stupid mistakes. Its great to read others have too.I think its all about humility.


People with great experience almost always have humility.
Gratitude is the next thing to learn.
Big adventures are mostly attempted by two groups of people. Those that are inexperienced and don’t know what they are getting into, and those with great experience and know exactly what they are up against.