Need help choosing kayak please

So which kayak did you eventually buy? Can’t tell from your photos.

As for the water, you will always be wet paddling a sit on top. The scupper holes will drain any large amounts of water (like if you had a wave or the wake from a passing power boat dump onto you) but drip from the paddle will make your lap and legs wet too. Some sit on tops have removable plugs for the scupper holes. You didn’t say if you bought this new or used == maybe it had plugs and maybe it didn’t.

Here is an article about scupper holes and plugs that might be helpful. The company that posted it also sells scupper plugs and can tell you which works on your model. If you don’t plan to paddle in the ocean or rough water, it would not hurt to use them:

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willowleaf, thank you for the link. I’ll get plugs.
My kayak is Sun Dolphin Destin 10.4, used and came without plugs. I asked because in a rental kayaks I used to paddle only one or two had water inside, all others were dry even with open holes. So my guess it depends on max capacity. In a touring kayak (up to 400 lb) I think I will be dry.

Congrats! :clap:

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I don’t think it is a weight issue – you are well within the parameters for the boat. Though it could be the rentals where you did NOT notice water inside were either longer (so higher weight rating and you and the boat would float higher) OR they were just designs that had different drainage arrangements.

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I can load my Solstice and Braveheart alone using that rug method.:+1:t3:

For lightweight, I can carry this with one hand Weight : 27.5 lbs. one person + hund

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