Agree with krousman…
… after paying handsomely to shave weight off my kayak and my paddle, I would not lug a 4.5 lb dead weight “brick” in my kayak when a bilge pump and paddle float weight about 16 ounces combined.
From one tuna to another, Sorry Charlie.
From the other side of the street
At 6’ 230, bum shoulder and several vertebre not in the best of shape and 63yoa…I’d be interested.
That said, and having seen a hundred fitness products (that folks bought because some already fit person on TV was touting the advantages of the product enthusiasticlly)tossed to the curb, I’d definitely have to see this product in action and being demonstrated by an average inexperienced paddler (no fitness gurus thanks).
A DVD of the product that folks could view might go a long way toword answering your immediate question.
I wouldn’t buy it either.
Without more information, you're not going to get much useful feedback other than that the price is way to high to sell well. I've seen lots of "good ideas" that simply don't cut it under real rescue conditions. The few devices that are on the market survive primarily because most paddlers dont know any better and their prices are low enough that no one complains too loudly when they don't work.
Before you sink any more money into this idea, get some experienced paddlers to test it in the real world to see if it's even a viable product.
Remember, skill trumps gear every time.
If it sounds too good to be true…
Your claims are outrageous. I’m going to need to see tests results, specifications and testimonials to believe your device works as stated.
would I spend…
“would you really spend $180. to $190. for a product you may never use???”
I spend thousands of dollars a year on car, home, health and life insurance. And I hardly ever use them—and the life insurance will only be used once!! So, yes, we are ALL spending mega $$$$ on things we may never use!
Maybe if I could see
it in actual use. IT sounds nice but what is how does it work? Like others have posted we need more info.