noisy trailer hitch..why?

Just like my hometown Scranton PA
where you really could walk uphill to school both ways. I would put Fireman’s Hill up against that street in Pittsburgh any day. It has never been paved with asphalt, it still has the paver blocks laid just after WWI.,-75.649332,3a,75y,126.48h,60.89t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sHR8qi2ALH-0AwspohxIwRg!2e0!5s20120501T000000!7i13312!8i6656

Dual axle
trailers need tongue weight to, and will clunk and bang empty of loaded rearward. You want weight forward and you probably have about as much forward as you are going to get running empty with the long tongue in front of the axle. I bet when you load it it will quiet down. The fact that you boats are light shouldnt make as much difference as the percentage of weight forward of the axle.

Its the nature of receiver hitches. It isnt a big deal and the trailer isnt going to come off and is a lot quieter then a pintle hitch.

Remember to always use and cross your chains, and have hooks with keepers on them. PASP and every cop on Rt 8 keeps a eye on that since that wood chipper went through a minivan a few years ago because it came off the ball.

I outfitted it with locking hooks and know to cross the chains. Have many years experience with hooking up and hauling other folks’ trailers (several boyfriends in working rock or jazz bands or who hauled horses or race cars.).

Yes, that tragic accident on Route 8 is fixed in my mind and I always think of it when I am putting on the chains. A compelling and permanent reminder to not cut corners on safety, as is the death of my doctor a few years ago when he fell off his roof due to an unsecured extension ladder and the drowning of an aquaintance who failed to fasten his PFD while venturing out in a storm flooded river.

radio’s too quiet
(have you never listened to Car Talk? :wink: )

Don’t Worry About It
If everything is secure and it tracks we’ll.

One suggestion would be to call the guy you bought from. He has real experience with your trailer. With everyone here it’s just guess work.

she was puzzled by the noise
The woman I bought the trailer from had a long steep driveway, about a quarter mile, and when I left (towing the trailer) she rode along with me up to the road to check on a guy who was cutting down a damaged tree near her mailbox. She expressed the same alarm I did at the clunking and claimed it was not that noisy when she towed it. She had pulled it with a large long SUV (Explorer, I think.)

I’m going to check on the dampening widget that was suggested and see how it goes loaded.

And if it still bugs me, I’ve got plenty of Jimi Hendrix, Rolling Stones and Beethoven CD’s.

Shake it.
Just hook it up to the car and shake the tongue around and see what’s making noise.

Buy A New Stinger.
Something is loose. My guess is it’s in your hitch. What has been described doesn’t sound like it’s coming from the trailer.

First make sure the ball is tight. If it is then consider replacing the stinger and pin.

Have you gotten on your back and looked at how secure your hitch is?