Packing for a paddle-in trip

Great advice by all, it should give you what you need. I did not read them all so I appologize if these have been covered.

Three basic pointers in addition to what has been covered.

  1. If at all possible, at least while paddling, use non-cotten clothing in relatively thin layers (instead of say, a poly undie with just a heavy nylon jacket).

  2. Double wrap your sleeping bag !! ( down bags work well, but do NOT get them wet; better to used synthetics for water sports). The sleeping bag is is your very last line of defense in the case of mishap. I use a fairly stout plastic bag, inside of a dry bag (stuff sak) fitted specifically for the size of my sleeping bag. I tie off the plastic bag with a length of thin cord. So it is sleeping bag -> inside a stout plastic bag -> inside a dry stuff sak bag -> inside my Bill’s bag or similar back pack style dry bag or standard portage pack also with liner.

  3. You can use a standard portage pack (instead of dry bag style), but that needs a plastic bag liner. You can get them at most paddling stores, order on line, or find a local asbestos abatement company and ask if you can buy a few large bags. It is also a good idea (if you have time) to place a protective sleeve inside the poly bag liner to prevent punctures. Not as necessary for just a day or two; but for a longer trip… portage pack -> Poly liner -> nylon bag; tie off poly liner tightly with thin chord.

    Also be sure to close your dry bags correctly, very tight folds without wrinkles, and if you can before you go, submerse in water to see how you are doing.

    If you are doing a white water trip, strapping down your packs so they don’t come out is a good idea for a ton of reasons.

    Have fun.