Paddle power curves

I agree
I’m in engineering as well and Greyak’s post was thought provoking.

I constantly tinker with my paddling strokes and it’s amazing how slight variations give different results. I use a wing and always have a GPS with me, so feedback is immediate.


Prismatic coefficient

– Last Updated: Sep-24-08 2:08 PM EST –

... might correlate somewhat to those type "feel" differences (all else equal, or otherwise accounted for - particularly the basics of LWL/BWL and L/W ratios).

Does the Peregrine have slightly fuller ends (at waterline) than the others? Just a hunch ...

It seems to me that the Peregrine has finer ends than the other boats (although I could be wrong); my guess (intuition?) is that the Peregrine has less rocker and more wetted surface (15’9") that some solos so it takes a bit more effort to get it moving and it does not rise up out of the water like a Fire boat when it accelerates. Again - overall it’s a fast and effortless boat with exceptional cruise speed…it just takes a touch more muscle at the beginning of the stroke than some boats.