paddle shaft sections sticking

stuck paddle
I have a habit of tearing up my gear, so I try to protect it from me whenever I can.

I keep my two piece paddle in a plastic case made for a scoped rifle, kinda triangular shaped

I also keep a tube of regular old chapstick in there. I dont want that crap on my mouth , but it works great on my paddle ferrule. Every once in a while I clean it dry and start with a new coat

It was you, but not you.
You may have posted about the “flyfisherman technique” while I was writing my reply, but another board member mentioned it months ago. That’s what I was referring to. Also, the male part of his ferrule is plastic, not fiberglass. That’s what I was recommending wet sanding burrs off of. Strangely, the female end does appear to be entirely fiberglass with a hole drilled right into it for the detent. That part I would be wary of removing material from.

No really, that was me back then…
About in May or June… I brought it up then on a different post of the same matter. Lol.

No, his paddle is all fiberglass. Check it out next time you come up & go out with us… When will that be? I am still getting dates together for “ORP” this summer…

Paddle easy,


Sex wax
NOC sells this stuff in its’ catalogue. Don’t know if this will help you. Go for it!

Yipes! Sex Was is not a lubricant, it’s
a stickicant! We use it to make the surface of paddle shafts tacky so our winter gloves don’t slip! Not what I would use on a tight ferrule.

I took apart my Werner last evening, and it was as bad as I remembered. It would have been a two person job except that, due to my great height and reach, I was able to pin one blade with my foot while I twisted hard on the shaft and blade with my other hand. The ferrule definitely needs adjustment. Lubrication would probably have little effect, except to provide a wet-sanding effect over many openings and closings. Saw an Epic at REI last Saturday. Made more sense to me.

Same Here
My outfitter told me that I should clean my paddle well after each use to prevent sticking. So far, so good.


I use a lttle pledge
Bee’s wax or silicon sprays works to.If it sticks all the time I would sand it lightly with very fine wet dry sand paper and water. You really dont want it loose, so be very careful you take minimal off. Clean area very well and spray a little pledge on outside and inside of connection. Rub it in with your finger. Rich

lubricant for paddle shaft
I used a little white lithium grease from a spraycan on my wifes werner camano and it made all the diference in the world.

Doctor Zog’s Sex Wax

– Last Updated: Jan-12-04 4:02 PM EST –

Sex wax is for putting on your surfboard for better traction for your wet bare feet.

Where is Patrick? His instructions for Onno Paddles says use white grease. He also says you can sand a liitle off the joint.

Speaking of sex wax and getting your joint sanded down.... Nevermind......

scares me.I never know when to quit and end up taking too much of. Will try a spray lube as have silicon spray and white lithium on hand.