Paddling dog recommendation

There is no doubt who will take
care of the alleged dog, and it isn’t Mrs. String. They are my babies.

Dogs are like people
Dogs are like people in so many ways… You can find what you think is the best dog for your water adventures and sometimes thaty just dont work out. I think alot of it is going to be in the training, so you dont want one that is too old and set in thier ways.

I take my daughters poodle on nearly ever trip I go on. He is soo… good and loves it. He`s a river rat. He sets in the boat for the whole trip. This is no fluff dog…Ha

On the Current River some people got the chance to meet him…Elvis.

My beagle hates water too - which is why I’m reading the archives to help me pick a paddling dog :slight_smile:
