Paddling with vegetarians

My son has been vegetarian for 20
years, since his teens. We get to eat a lot of good vegetarian dishes. Sometimes we add meat if it is appropriate to the dish.

I think it’s hard to plan genuinely tasty meat dishes on prolonged canoe camping trips. It’s actually a little easier to come up with a good sequence of vegetarian meals.

Smart Bacon

– Last Updated: May-04-10 11:53 AM EST –

And never ever try the Smart Bacon. Even the dogs won't eat it.

(We've tried and tried but we just can't convince them (the dogs) that all that meat is not good for them)

And while I can't speak for your friends (I've only been vegetarian for a year), but I don't find meat offensive. It still smells really good (to me).

That stuff is horrible
Never again.

The corndogs are so like real hot dogs it’s scary. I guess that means real hot dogs are mostly manufactured and salted/seasoned to death.

You sound a bit whiny yourself!
“they act like whiny babies”

You sound a bit whiny yourself!

yeah , they provide the veggies …
… and you grill up some steaks for yourselves !!

I think the smell of grilling steaks make vegetarians water at the mouth but they won’t eat them … too bad .

Just thinking
Veggies often demand “consideration” concerning their dietary choices.

How about “consideration” for those of us still aligned with several hundred thousand years of human development?

eating meat is actually not such a huge
portion of our natural diet. Humans are omnivores by nature, but only fairly recently has meat become something that everyone could have. It spoils quickly, and is hard to obtain in a primitive society. I like eating meat but it isn’t such a huge part of my life that I couldn’t live without it for a few days. I also understand some vegetarians are repulsed by the smell or taste of meat, so I can understand them not wanting to eat it. I for one cannot stand the sight or smell of poultry being cooked. I do eat it though.

give me an example
Give me one example where vegetarians DEMAND consideration. OK, now give me one example where you had to demand consideration as an omnivore.

I’m vegetarian during the week

– Last Updated: May-05-10 2:45 PM EST –

Well, mostly vegetarian, I eat fish during the week, usually one or two meals, sometimes more. Allow myself about two portions of beef, poultry, lamb or pork on the weekends (but actually many weekend I find I haven't bothered to eat any meat).

Anyway, there are a lot of great vegetarian dishes out there that won't make you miss meat. In addition, a lot of times you can add meat afterwards. Like adding grilled chicken to pasta or salads. Or sliced pork to a vietnamese bun (vermicelli) bowl.

Here are some of my go-to vegetarian dishes that are very satisfying by themselves. If you are interested in any of them, let me know and I'll give you specific recipes:

Lentil soup - green lentils, chopped carrots, chopped onions, crushed garlic, chopped celery, bay leaf, salt, pepper, red wine vinegar. I usually add baby bok choy or another dark leafy green. A complete meal.

Ratatouille - stewed tomatoes, summer squash, eggplant, peppers, onions, garlic, thyme, oregano, olive oil. To make it even more filling, serve over brown rice. Top with parmesan cheese if you like.

Panzanella - I make this one when my tomatoes come in from my garden. Fresh tomatoes, fresh basil and oregano, diced onion, garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, slightly stale crusty bread, salt, pepper

Tuscan white bean soup - name says it all.

Pasta e pomodoro crudo - again, when my tomatoes are ripe, this is a great way to use them. Linguini, chopped ripe tomatoes, chopped onion, crushed garlic, chopped basil and oregano, olive oil, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper.

Here is an easy one to make when you don't have much in the cupboard but don't want to run to the store:

Pasta a alio e olio - linguini, crushed garlic, red pepper flakes, olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese, and I usually add chopped basil and/or oregano, maybe parsley, too.

I stay away from Boca, morningstar
I avoid soy like the plague. (except for Asian traditionally fermented soy products)

Back up and take a deep breath.
Better? Okay.

Health - a meatless or near-meatless diet is significantly more healthy than the western way of eating, where meat is the center of the meal. There is no disputing the evidence, and if you try, you’re wrong. People who eat just a little bit of meat are just as healthy as total vegetarians, however. So, yes, while humans evolved to be able to eat meat, it wasn’t supposed to be such a large portion of our diet as the high-density feed lot has made possible. Even Thomas Jefferson said that meat, if eaten at all, should be more like a condiment rather than a main dish.

Ethics of eating meat in principle - I have no problem with it, in principle. In nature, animals kill other animals for meat all the time, that’s just the way life is.

However, the way humans raise animals is environmentally unsustainable. The high-density feed lot, feeding cattle grain, a diet that would normally kill them, so we have to give them antibiotics to keep them alive, the amount of grain required to feed cattle, etc.Not to mention that grain diet makes their meat higher in unhealthy omega-6 fatty acids. Agriculture is the most environmentally impactful industry on our planet. The amount of people that can be well-nourished per acre if those acres are used to raise vegetables is significantly higher than if those acres are used to raise grain to feed animals to be fed to people.

If we all ate a small amount of meat occasionally, rather than the big slab of meat westerners are accustomed to, not only would we be much healthier, but a small grass-fed cattle industry would be environmentally sustainable. But now we rely on government subsidies of feed corn to provide us copious amounts of cheap meat at every meal.

And vegetarians eating processed food? Sure, there are some people who go for that, but most of the vegetarians I know don’t touch that stuff. Honestly, the vegetarians who got into being so because they didn’t want to kill poor defensless Bessie are more likely to eat that crap, and they are whackos, but the vegetarians who gave up meat because of environmental and their own health concerns stay away from soy and processed food, because, after all, they are mostly about health concerns, rather than overwrought compassion for animals.

You speak from a position of extreme ignorance. Educate yourself. “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan is a good book to start with.

I have known some obnoxious vegans
Like my cousin’s new boyfriend who came to my aunt and uncle’s house for the first time on Thanksgiving. He had never met them before, but tried to get my cousin to tell them that he would prefer it if they had a meatless meal. If that was not possible, he preferred that meat dishes and nonmeat dishes not be cooked in the same oven at the same time. Some people really get high and mighty about their choice. I’m willing to bet, though, that these obnoxious vegans would have been obnoxious and demanding even if they hadn’t converted. They would simply have found something else to be that way about.

Horse I find a bit tough. But dogs, when served hot, are quite tasty.

there are some
spooky peps in this place, yikes! Whatever happened to being considerate?

sometimes I suspect I have eaten …

– Last Updated: May-06-10 12:39 AM EST –

...... cooked dog meat , but never know for sure .

It may just be a rumor about far eastern cultures that eat dog meat , but sometimes when eating at an Oriental resturant the meat taste like no other I am familiar with (I don't believe it has anything to do with the seasoning either) ... not bad taste but extremely different .

I figure if the chef is buying dog from a local street peddler and serving it mixed in with the dish ... it's too late anyway after I chow it down ... just hoping it was cooked enough !!

Probably all in my head , but if not , I think I'd rather not know .

We ate wild game a few or more times a week growing up . My Sis said she wouldn't eat deer , Mom said it was beef (I knew it wasn't) and she ate it without complaint , the freezer downstairs was always filled to the top with wild game .

Sometimes if it was a mountain deer my Sis could tell it wasn't beef because of the strong taste and lack of fat ... that made her mad and she insisted she was tricked or decieved because no one told her we were having deer tonight .

Veggie + meat
If you’re making soup, you could try throwing beef jerky into the broth. It’ll soak up and get moist after a few seconds.

Goya and Carolina have some great rice and bean dishes that cook up in about 20 minutes. You can serve them and then add some chorizo or other dried sausage and let sit for 10 minues or so. Take along some freah cabbage and add olive oil and vinigar and you have a pretty good meal.