Perfecting my roll...

Practice fail, practice succeed
Like the balance brace, it took me about 2 solid weeks of practice before I learned how to perform the Petrussen. For me it is relatively easy to do, but was not easy for me to learn. The key for me was to learn (by trial and error) the proper body/kayak position. Strength is not needed. Flexibility helps, as does the flotation you get from your PFD. For my first attempts, my face was just inches under water.

However, if you find this technique eludes you, the point of my original post was that there are a variety of ways to get air – including simply dog-paddling to the surface for a breath. For most people the real skill to learn is simply to remain comfortable and to not panic or feel entrapped while capsized.

Another good skill is to swim with your capsized kayak. Arch your back, get your head to the surface and dog paddle – good for retrieving a paddle, reaching a dock/friend’s bow/pool ledge, etc.

Greg Stamer

helps here because of floatation and loose material from the longer length. With a regular skirt, I pop the coaming when I reach too far. Thankfully, I don’t think I have much a need for the Petrussen these days.
