Not too many places you can get this one anymore, I don't think. Not sure it's made anymore.
I was looking for a low profile knife that would fit flat against my PFD to hopefully not be as likely to get caught on anything. Finding something like that that also has a handle large enough and comfortable enough to feel like you have a good grip was a challenge. This knife has those characteristics for me. In addition, I wanted a knife that was very securely in it's sheath and would not get knocked out as I've had another knife fall out and almost stick in my foot. This thing has the most secure locking mechanism to stay in the sheath that I've found.
I think it's really important to have a handle that fits your hand very well, especially if the knife will not be tethered. If it is tethered, this creates just one more entanglement hazard. My thoughts were that worst case scenario would be that I was somehow capsized and caught unable to roll or exit and had to cut my way out or ropes or whatever for whatever reason. At that point, a knife that fits your hand size and shape very securely in your hand so that you don't drop it while trying to save your life seems very key. At that point, the fit of handle seems like it would be very important.
Many of the knives I've seen folks use have a handle that I can only get about 3 of 4 fingers on--nice and compact but not real secure or useful in a bad situatio--seemed like to me anyway. Just my .02.
At any rate, this one seems like the best combination of attributes I was looking for.
BTW, I ground down the tip a bit on this one. Used to be able to buy a blunt tip version, but haven't seen it lately.
Edit: This knife rusts in saltwater as do most knives. I use a product called Shooters Choice 'Rust Prevent' after saltwater use.
Seems to give it considerable extra resistance to rusting. I've used it for years for ammunition reloading dies and it works well to preserve these precision made parts. Just an FYI if someone is looking for something like that.
knifes I really like the bencmade blunt round point cutter, I think it would be the safest and take care of 99% or more of the times a knife would be needed.
As a side note with forty plus years of scuba diving I always had a sharp knife strapped to my leg and a blunt tip knife on my BC, the blunt tip knife was used a couple times for fishing line the sharp pointed knife was never used.
I can see where river kayakers could possible need to cut fishing line or a rope, as a sea and lake kayaker I don’t carry a knife, but the benchmade round point sounds like some thing I wouldn’t mind haveing.
cutting sandle straps the only reason that I ever used a knife on the ocean when guiding was the people that had to wear sandles with straps or shoes with laces. I have something to cut them out of the boat if they are caught on something inside like a foot peddle. The other reason might be tow lines in larger seas.
I was going to say the same thing about the McNett - it comes out very easily. After getting back in the boat during a rescue clinic, I found the thing laying on my lap. Not good!
I just bought a Columbia River river rescue knife for sea kayaking. REI has it and it's a bit more expensive but the sheath fits very tight. And the belt clip locks into a PFD lash tab.
Question - do you use a tether on your knife? I have been, and it's long enough to reach as far as my arms will go. I figure I can just cut it if I need to.
the sheath has a clip on the back side Drive the clip all the way through the slot on your lash tab–in one side and out the other.
For some reason the clip is a little wider than the slot so it won’t be a perfect fit until the plastic stretches some. (Since lash tabs are universal, you’d think knife manufacturers would have figured that out by now.)
Switchblade You are in NC. Switchblades are legal. Came across a 440 stainless/plastic handle knife at a Gun/Knife Show in Wilmington a few months ago. Dealer said it was some knock-off brand that sold for $80…got it for $20. One hand into the vest, one thumb on the button and a split-second blade.
SWITCHBLADE!!?? yeah, one button push away from having a knife handy, or one hard bump away from getting a knife shot into your chest! Its one thing to risk bumps and rough riding dislodging your knife from its sheath and losing it, and quite another to risk getting knifed accidentally. Sping loaded knives don’t sound like the best option.
I got the River Shortly for $20 on Ebay, brand new. Compared to the usual $40 for this knife. If you look around online a bit there are deals to be had on it.