still own the kestrel. Great Florida paddling solo canoe!
Light weight solo canoes
I am amazed there aren’t more in Florida, because they are just perfect for most of our paddling.
You have a gorgeous boat!
Do you paddle in central Florida at all?
Haven’t paddled there yet
I’ll be looking forward to reading your trip report.
Have fun, stay safe, take bug spray.
Hey Jack
Naw, can’t make it this year, got a seminar wife and I are attending this weekend.
Cute Lil Gator
1. Anticlote Key
2. Cayo Costa Key
3. Peace River
4. EG Simmons Park may be RV
5. Hillsborough River State park
Get a book on Florida paddling. Maybe you can find yourself a cute lil gator to curl up with you at night time.
St3alth, Did you go to the Outlet River?
And did you come back?
Solos are great!
Just be sure it isn’t gator mating season if your solo’s green and black. If it’s shorter than 12 ft. the bulls may mistake you for a female and if it’s longer they may mistake you for another male intruding into his territory (even worse)!