Pnet/com gatherings

You are lucky to have an association like that.

Well, they say you can pack more in a canoe, they werenā€™t kidding.

Nice to hear from you Coronaboy ! ā€¦ I felt incredibly lucky to spend a day with Phil last year. He is still the Prince of Tuna Valley and adored by many in Bradford.

Thatā€™s my favorite expedition boat. It can easily hold 4 paddlers, gear, and
enough beer and steak for a week or more.

For many years I captained the East Coast fiberglass version named ā€œBloody Maryā€, but once I moved west I got ahold of a kevlar lay-up I named ā€œCopiousā€. We jokingly refer to it as the corporate yacht for my glass blowing studio.


A 22ā€™ four man canoe? How can that be efficient? Them four cats better know what they are doing.

How do you transport it?


Edit: Which one is Hap?

Do your outlaws still live in Norwalk? I donā€™t paddle much anymoreā€¦2 knee replacements, just donā€™t have the flexibility, still have a bunch of paddle craft thoughā€¦Iā€™ve looked at Copious Glass many times through the yearsā€¦we collect glass Christmas ornaments ā€¦

Someday weeny fest will indeed die and that will be fine. This last year was a bit stressful because we had a high water event and we had to move it to the gauley river and still keep it class II but it worked out just fine although these were last minute changes. The biggest problem is that campground has become more crowded and it is small and first come first serve. Iā€™m definitely part of the problem. One of my friends was commenting on a non weenyfest weekend how it was becoming harder to get a campsite. The truth be told I knew 1/2 the people in the campground and considered them to be friends. Of course becoming a national park changed things as well

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Truth be told I really like paddling with pnetters. I always have a good time. I think we all speak the same language (paddlesports) sometimes we just have different dialects (styles). I joined the forums to branch out. Different locations, styles, and paddling partners. Iā€™ve enjoyed hearing about tropical fish, life in Alaska, how Ford cars are designed, and been serenaded with homemade flutes, and sampled meade weed and had a good chuckle when we passed a takeout. Paddling alone is fine and I do my share of it but I do enjoy the social aspect of paddling with new and old friends.


My Father in law passed away, but my Mother in Law is still in the Norwalk area. The Mrs gets there a few times a year, but Iā€™ve only been there once in the last 5 years. ā€¦ Glad to hear you follow Copious Glass! Iā€™m mainly known for marbles these days, but I still make 1000+ ornaments per year. Most go to wholesale accounts, but get ahold of me next holiday season and Iā€™ll make sure you get something special !

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Mjac ā€¦ Copious is a surprisingly efficient way to travel. 4 paddlers can easily cover some serious miles while carrying 500+lbs of gear. Itā€™s a long hull that carries speed well. The secret to its river running is that it turns like a semi-truck firetruck. As long as the person in the front and back are communicating you can turn it on a dime (no keel with soft chines and slight rocker). ā€¦ Hap is second from stern in that pic. He and I have been paddling partners for several decades with the understanding that I make most of the decisions while he provides pleasant conversation and passes me beers.

My kevlar version is only 185 lbs and can be roof topped, but I generally transport her on a light aluminum trailer.

Dang - Its good to hear from you guys again. Topher - where was that picture taken? Didnā€™t you and Cuda and a bunch of Pnetters do a trip on the Green that involved helping rescue a lost hiker? Itā€™s been a long time and my memory of that report may well be quite scrambled - but that picture sure looks like it could be from the Green and it brought it to mind.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t want to sound like I am coming from a ton of experience, I am not, but just looking in from the outside, a 4 man 22ā€™ canoe doesnā€™t seem like it would be very efficient unless those four paddlers were awful good and in sync.

Only 185 pounds?ā€¦Plus gear?

BRO is a great shop.

The longer the boat, the higher the speed potential, especially without the load and if all occupants are paddling. The hull speed is around 7.3 mph, but most paddlers would cruise at about half that with any boat.

Raystown was a long tome ago and the Ozarks are far away for me. I never made it to either. I donā€™t know that paddling has become less popular, but old style message boards like this sure have. I still prefer them to other types of social media, but the younger folks donā€™t. There are also fewer canoe paddlers posting here, and the blinking ads drive me crazy. I have slowly transitioned over the the Canoe Tripping board, which has more relevant content for me. Still lots of long term posters here that I recognize. I should stop in more to see how things are going.


Iā€™ve never seen one of these canoes in person, but based on specs and pictures, Iā€™d love to have one to explore the sounds here in North Carolina. A lot of great beach camping out there.

Corporate buy out, happens every time.

4 person?

The Clipper Mariner can actually hold up to 8 people, just not with camping gear. They are wicked fast and powerful with a full crew.

The 4 person plus mountain of gear set up is slightly slower, but we still are often one of the fastest boats on the water. The only slight compromise is in epic winds where the high bow and stern tend to get pushed around. We definitely had issues during a winter Assateague Island trip with the 30-40 mph winds.

That is amazing and surprising, I would have lost money on that bet.You have to put the marbles aside and get out more in that thing.

That thing weighs 185 pounds and is the kevlar lay up? Four paddlers, 500 lbs. of gear, 185 pound boat, one of the fastest boats on the water, somehow this does not add up, but you do it.
