Pungo Paloussa and a Curtis Canoe on the River

Good photos, they catch the spirit of the day!

The spirit of the day was chillin . That half mile almost killed me!
The mega burger in Clinton cured me.


I’ve taken my canoe to the club paddles that are 95% plastic kayaks. I had a Pungo 125 for 3 years and sold it. The Pungo was a bit too laid back for my taste. I’m still looking for an alternative. In the mean time my Northwind Solo gets me on the water in style with plenty of room for the pooch and miscellaneous gear.


Mine was more of a Pelican Parade.


Looks like you’re a flagship battleship amongst the fleet of destroyers and light cruisers. Should make you feel proud and mighty. The big man on little seas. A pig among guinea pigs.

The comments were great. Older guys were telling the younger kids “Look at that. That’s how we did it in the old days.” I had a lot of younger guys come up and ask questions. Mostly about how comfortable I looked and how much stuff I had room to haul. If I were smart I should have sold drinks out of it. I could have made a bundle. I hauled a large cooler for the group we went with.

The best part was most of those Pelicans were pretty much max loaded or even overloaded with just the weight of the person. The river was running low that day, and everyplace it got low the battleship was one of the few that would float right past. My 147 tandem converted to a solo only needed a couple inches of water with me and the cooler. I think it is rated at 900 lbs. No one had any kind of a painter line on the Pelicans so they would get out on the rocky bottom and lose the boat and I would gather them up for them down stream.

Was a fun day with 501 boats put in over an hour, but once a year is all of that I care to do. We went in last and were one of the first out 12 miles later and we were going slow.


“When the river runs low,
Pungos and Pelicans go
…Or ye pay the tow!”

Pungos and Pelicans don’t belong in the same breath and seldom in the same sentence.

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:exploding_head:Uh-Oh…What can I tell ya–As poetry goes, I’m no "canoeswithduckheads.":canoe::duck:

Oh, a wondrous bird is the pelican!
His bill holds more than his belican.
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week.
Though I’m damned if I know how the helican.

Ogden Nash


Beautiful canoe castoff. Why do all the other boats look like fishing lures?

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There amongst the pelicans,
the mungo pungo
Pamlican’t and cans,
oft time I find midst best of friends,
the best of all
are open to all ends.

Not to say I haven’t seen a Newfoundland burying the bow of a Carolina 14. But then, sink the yak? Ride the Newf!


Always my preferred paddlin’ partners


And just so no one feels left out…


Now that’s just bucklin’ bizarre! Fat Elmo would applaud you twenty “Wha’ ho’s” over! Whatcha do, take Andrew Lloyd Weber on a Let’s Musically Scheme T.S. Elliot Meets Josie N’ the Pussycats cruise?

They never turn down a good can of Spam.

So what happened to the Scotsman…He left here and canoetripping and does nice stuff on MYCCR?

Guess that’s why they say A Good Spam Is Yard of Feline, although who those “they” may be likely shan’t be discerned with any certainty.

The “Scotsman”? Sounds like a new series on AMC. A kilted assassin whom pummels his victims to death with a 5-day old scone, because he’s too cheap to replenish ammo in his heavily epoxy-repaired Sten. Starring Patrick MacGoohan’s son Hughwan.

Michael Edward McCrea, Drago de Drake to all things Duckheaded and worthy of a band of shame woven through the family tartan, still ghostly stalks these moors or less of paddle-n-prattle portals. He just no longer lets his fingers do the typing through these bellowed rages. Like Spiritboat and Lily von Schtupp before, he’s just grown tired, oh so tired.

I check out his stuff on myccr…none of my business but he hasn’t been here for years, but left canoe tripping rather abruptly when he was a major contributor…same as Doug D