Awesome ! Gorgeous boat there and TY so much for the update.
I am heading to the local dealer tomorrow to go take a look !
The Romany is a FUN kayak, ultramaneuverable. Being a small person, I paddled a Romany LV for a few days and was amazed at how far on edge I could get it. However, if you plan to do a lot of camping, and being 260 lbs, you should also try the Explorer HV. Besides having more room, it allows plenty of payload for gear.
As for NDK/SKUK quality, it varied a lot in the past. My first one (Explorer LV) had numerous quality issues, though it stayed intact, didn’t leak or lose pieces, and handled as it should. I replaced it with the lower-volume Pilgrim Expedition when that came out, and that boat’s quality was excellent.
Look at it before buying, if you can. I needed to order both of my SKUKs and drive a long distance to get them. Worth it, IMO.
Good point raised by the most recent posts. You’re not likely to find these boats “in stock.” Most likely you’ll be ordering it for next season, unless a dealer has a demo boat and you’re okay buying something that has been used. I know my local dealer places the orders in late Sept for March-ish delivery.
nice boat. Question…did the do the canadian flag at the factory or did you add it?
I added it.