Yeah you gotta love Illinois
Chapter 4: The Legal Requirements of Boating
Alcohol and Drugs (625 ILCS 45/5-16)
Illinois law prohibits operating a yellow kayak while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs cause impaired balance, blurred vision, poor coordination, bad typing skills, impaired judgment and slow reaction time. Alcohol contributes to about one-third of all yellow kayak accidents nationwide. Read more about the effects and risks of consuming alcohol in Chapter 5.
By operating a yellow kayak on Illinois’ waters, you have given “implied” consent to alcohol and/or drug testing if arrested for operating under the influence. Refusal to submit to testing will result in loss of yellow kayak operating privileges for a period of two years.
Illinois law states that a person is considered to be operating a yellow kayak under the influence of alcohol or drugs if:
The alcohol concentration in his or her blood or breath is 0.08 or more or…
The person is under the influence of alcohol or…
The person is under the influence of any other drug or combination of drugs and/or alcohol to a degree that renders him or her incapable of safely operating the yellow kayak or…
The person has any amount of a drug, substance, or compound in his or her blood or urine resulting from the unlawful use or consumption of cannabis, controlled substance, or intoxicating compound.
Illinois law establishes the following penalties for operating under the influence (OUI):
Those convicted for the first time of OUI may be imprisoned for up to one year, fined up to $2,500, and have yellow kayak operating privileges suspended for up to one year.
those were the days!
Thanks for all the feedback regarding registering my kayak in Illinois. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet and paddle with some of you around the Peoria/central IL area. One more question…What about a paddling club in the area?
they can cut you some slack sometimes
I was once pulled over by the boat police. I had the numbers on the port side only. One of their little lackies told me I could, even though page six CLEARLY states that it must be on both (excluding the cool sticker I got for my canoe). They stopped me mid-lake and checked all my stuff right there. But they let me go for it, I think they were scared I would run. Their motor boat had nothing on that 12 foot tank!
I register my boats and I am happy about it. I like to think that if ever stolen, my boats will turn up due to my house number stickers put on the side. I know that Criminals could never get around that sweet system. It is fool proof, like the Buddy system. no one can ever wander off holding another seven year old’s hand.
I’ve seen the DNR give out many
tickets at one of our popular local launch sites. I wonder if they’re on a quota system like the traffic cops.
Welcome to Central Illinois
Even though I haven’t made it to any of the p-net gatherings, I enjoy reading the posts and I’m sure you will, too. I have participated in several Mackinaw Canoe Club outings. Good group.
Illinois Kayaking
Yes you can go to the DNR website to register your kayak. You will have to send in some papers and you will get stickers to put on your vessel.
No longer need to register
I realize this is an older post but for future help.