it is too bad, but
perhaps we need people like Harry Roberts to make a succes out of such an enterprise?
Unfortunately such persons are scarce or die too soon…
I still miss his The View from Piety Hill!
On the other hand, we now have communication via the internet,
and that makes up for a lot of it.
Appreciate your posts very much, CEWilson!
Ditto the sentiment
about View from Piety Hill. Laughed out loud MANY times. Uncle Harry’s like has not and will not be seen again any time soon.
You better check the benefits page
at the ACA website. You do get a magazine.
As for the rest of your rant, which I believe is the REAL reason you don’t want to continue, I suspect that your beliefs are shared by many.
Funny, but…
…one of the reasons I was glad when my club parted ways with the ACA was that I would no long be receiving a magazine (Paddler) that I didn’t want.
Canoeroots is Great!
I have a several year subscription to Canoeroots, as well as subscriptions to Adventure Kayak and Rapid. All three magazines, the publisher, and the service have been excellent. While it is too bad Paddler couldn’t make it, Rapid is superior, in my opinion.
Canoe Pam’s rant above is my spot-on opinion of Paddle Canada, which seems to be all about profit and not about promoting canoeing to youth and newcomers. I would much prefer Canoeroots to Kanawa, which hasn’t been good in a long time.
ACA is going to offer its members a
choice of magazines after 1/1/2011
FWIW, I will probably choose Adventure Kayak.
I’ve written several stories of Paddler, sorry to hear they faded away but not a real surprised since I found out via this message. I always felt they were disconnected from the paddlers and more into the money. I doubt there will be many magazines in 20-years which in many ways is good since we have yet to learn to recycle the way we should.
Too bad, generically
I regret the passing of print and paper. Could there really be time in the Bradburyian future when books no longer exist?
Won’t miss Paddler mag specifically because I gave up on it years ago and the ACA decades ago.
I really miss the original Canoe Magazine and the later Canoesport Journal. Once, there were writers.
I got a year’s worth of issues free
…because ACA evidently didn’t have their club-member list up to date. Or they were hoping to pressure me into joining that year. I’d already decided for a bunch of reasons not to rejoin.
Since they kept sending me the mags, I read them, or parts of them. The attitude from much of it was like that of “how cool are we” 20-yr-olds, judgmental male 20-yr-olds.
Did they really think they’d attract a wider variety of readers with that kind of tone?
I hope print doesn’t die, either
There's nothing like having a real object that you can read in any light--not powered by electricity or batteries--anywhere.
That you can pass along to anybody else who speaks the same language. They don't need a fast connection to get the whole magazine, in a second, with a smile--not a smilie.
That you can glance over on display at the library or magazine stand, picking what you like from the colorful assortment.
That you can underline or highlight, annotate, cut parts to save (if not the whole magazine), or laugh wistfully at the advertiser prices in very old issues. In other words, something that you can make viscerally YOURS.
The Internet is great. But still...
I save Wavelength electronic files to read later. Guess what? If they were print, I would've read them all by now. But I'm at least 2 years behind on the e-versions. With print publications, there's nothing like being able to sit down a few minutes, read an article, and leave it open right there to continue later *without turning anything off or on.*
Books, too. I still buy them, not e-books. So do millions of others of different ages. BTW, I read at least two claims that 20-somethings are becoming the most avid of print-magazine readers!
Paddler magazine…
I won’t miss it…
I got tired (a long time ago) of searching for the actual paddling articles that were “buried” beneath mounds of advertising.
junk mail
went straight from the mail box to the recycling bin…
Rapid Media
the replacment for paddler actually covers surf kayaking, maybe I’ll get lucky and see surf kayaking in a magazine more than once a year!
It’s difficult at best to offer all paddlers everything they want for all the various forms of paddling all in one mag. Better to have separate mags for the paddling you enjoy. Overall I think this is a good move.
Bill H.