Rolling a Sea Kayak

Short torso AND deep kayak
Short torso alone, not a problem. Short torso in a tall kayak means it might be tough to get the wrists and paddle blades on top of the water surface (as others have already posted). I can still roll my kayaks even if the blades aren’t on top, but I prefer getting the paddle to air as a tactile reference point.

Seadart - I bought the video
I bought EJ’s video and plan to try his method. His logic seems very sound. And from watching his video, I think I know what my problem is.

Is there anyone in the Pacific Northwest that teaches rolling using his method?


Just find a pool practice session
watch the video a few times befoer you go, practice the four phases and especially the hip snaps on the side of the pool. I bet you won’t need an instructor.

I tried the first time in shallow water in the ocean on a calm day. Where I knew I could bottom brace with my hands or paddle to come up. I already knew how to roll with a sweep and extended roll, but the sweep roll was not very reliable, I understand now what I was doing wrong, but it takes a little experience to get the feel for it.

Pretty dogmatic
Looking at me you would say I have a “beer belly” yet I can get my knuckles way out of the water. You just need a lot of mucsles to move that bulk. but there are some overwwight folks who are also very strong.

Story: When I capsized on flat water in a class with Derek Hutchinson my elbows came out of the water as I set up for the roll. Friends who know me chuckled

I think
the comment is basically dead on, A lot of men with weight centered around their middle have difficulty reaching for the surface. You may be the exception Peter! It takes some flexibility to do it right. Weight is a limitation in that regard.

You forget the added buoyancy!
I may not reach as far up as a thinner man, but my natural buoyancy makes up the difference! :wink:

Another difference - salt vs fresh water. Not a huge difference rolling, but noticeable, and even more beneficial for those of us built more like marine mammals.