Surely you jest…
If I’m re-entering, then I screwed up my roll. Your logic, or lack thereof, simply amazes me.
Aside from this ‘article’ you refer to, do you have additional data or experience that would lend validity to your premise that a re-entry is more important than a roll?
What is your advice upon re-entering the cockpit in conditions that caused the capsize?
When I initially read your post, I thought you might be pulling our collective leg… but no, you are serious!!!
You aren’t by chance a sponson engineer, eh?
Have a care.
or a troll??
come on man.
get a grip on life.
solo options:
Re-enter/ Roll
Paddle Float
done deal. Learn to friggin’ roll.
Nah, it can’t be Timmy
While Pahsimeroi’s logic is seriously flawed, he’s not irrational and doesn’t sound like he’s foaming at the mouth like Timmy typically does. There’s also no hint of conspiracy theories in his posts.
If there’s a conspiracy
I want in!!!