sea kayak self-rescue device

feathercraft and folbot
sponsons built in.


If you are going to inflate something…
Get the BackUp Roll-Aid device and learn enough about how to roll that you can initiate a minor hip snap and get your torso out there. With the BackUp device you’ll have 60 pounds of inflated support at the end of your hand.

Yeah, you can’t reload the device on the water and in the soup so you have just that one shot where it’ll work for you, but it is a great intermediate solution that doesn’t involve re-engineering your stuff. It’s just a white tube several inches long that clips to the rigging on your front deck. (or rear if you prefer reaching behind you).

I got them for us when we got into more serious kayaking, and carried it religiously in bigger water until I seemed to have a roll and my husband and I had gotten some decent rescue practice in. If I was paddling a major trip solo, I’d put it back on deck despite the chuckles. One moment of having that for assistance is better than none, and if I were to plan prudently it might be all I’d need.

Thanks for first hand info, that’s always very helpful. It does look good, although it seems a bit on the expensive side (almost $200 with shipping).

Note about the cartridges
They are an odd size - so far we’ve never seen them anywhere else. There is a place in New Jersey that Adrienne (the owner) had the last cartridges shipped out of (we had messed with a real one in practice so I wanted a replacement or two). I’d advise you to find out what that place is and do a better job of writing it down than we did.

sea kayak self-rescue device
I sent the below to another forum yesterday but the posters to this subject above seem to be genuinely interested in the details, and may benefit from the diagrams and pictures on I hope that this is helpful. A SAR team actually made a rescue craft with foam sponsons (noodles etc.) and a 12 foot Old Town Recreational kayak for specialized rocky, surf rescues near cliffs where helicopters can’t operate.


Please read and see any judge, jury, or any 10 year old kids rescue themselves within 5 seconds. It is pretty simple.

Most of you do not want any neighbours or their children to be hurt. Some bullies however believe that canoes and kayaks are so complicated as to be always deadly, forgetting sponson crossings of Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

No bully can rescue theirself in 5 seconds with 50 cent sponsons like any 10 year old child, nor rescue other victims in the water:

Take care. Thanks, Tim Ingram

Picture of my outriggers
This one is old, the boat has been replaced with a 17 foot Eclipse, and I’m on Generation three of the outriggers, but you get the idea: Don’t go in the water to begin with!

of coming up with all this superfluous “safety” crap, learn how to roll or self rescue in bad conditions, or don’t friggin paddle in them!

nice design
My personal reaction to all this - It seems to me that trying to absolutely maximize a sea kayak’s primary stability, totally changes what a sea kayak is about and how it can be used.

I can see the purpose of stuff like that perhaps for extended crossings, or who knows what else. But for the paddling that I do, a roll and a handful of useful rescues work well, while sponsons or outriggers would hinder what I like to do with my kayak - go out and play! :slight_smile:

Yesterday was spent paddling a couple miles out to an exposed cliff-bound island, and then doing some rock-gardening and exploring in the countless caves, overhangs, ledges and outcroppings that surround that island. Did I capsize? Yes, 1 1/2 times. :slight_smile: And I suppose sponsons might have prevented that. But I couldn’t have gotten into half the places I wanted to go if my boat was a foot wider, and that would have taken all the fun out of it.

The idea that sponsons are the ultimate safety device that all of us should have, and that kayak instructors are killing thousands of padders to make a buck teaching us to roll is exactly as crazy as it sounds.

Some advice…
Your claims that certified instructors are trying to kill people and are bullies really set you up to be held accountable if someone does drown using your device instead of taking instructions. It’s also completely irresponsible.

Claims like this would violate any kind of liability insurance.

I’m not going to get into another inane argument and think you have gotten too far ahead of yourself with your marketing.

"make a buck teaching us to roll"
Many also teach/learn to roll for free, yet I don’t see Timmy handing out free sponsons. :wink:

Maybe he should see about getting some of that Obama stimulus money so he can. Using that sort of crazy fear and destruction/pseudo anti-establishment crap to peddle stuff to the clueless is right up the Gov’t’s alley. L

Primarily for sailing…
The outriggers were designed to reduce the need for a lee board when using the horizontal sail system…a quick look at the photo will show you that the akas and ama’s can be removed wityh the pull of a pin on each side…so I can use the Kayak without them.