
i hear gun fire
Scares them off. This is a joke.

Sharks are BAD!!!
I encourage all kayakers to stay away from the surf breaks. Be smarter than the surfers. Let them be shark bait. Yeah… don’t you be a Darwin award candidate. :slight_smile:


Don’t tow dead whales w kayak
… okay.

See, another one of those common sense “leave the dead animal alone, and don’t bring it inside” rules instilled into us as children.

color was thought of as important in a lure sense. White with a blue top ?

If you want ID from a helicopter or plane then bring a roll out day glo ID banner but not a day glo red hull.

Current on the water incidents suggest east coast sharks may not give a damn what color your paddling while west coast sharks are more discriminating.

Bashing a shark on the nose has defense effects but other wise generally poking a shark is like poking a grizzly bear or your dog.

We are fishing sharks into extinction. That may annoy east coast sharks. Florida has a shark meet up in the spring above Tampa. Paddling out there with the wrong odor or after a fish lunch would be a unwise move.

"Fish are not food".

Sharks aren’t BAD!!!
It’s just nature doing what comes naturally.

I agree with all the rest of what you said, though. If you have a fatal allergy to shark bites, it’s probably best to avoid areas where sharks could be.

stripes and "sea camo"
There are now several companies selling black and white striped pattern products which have been proven in field tests to deter sharks (the sharks would swerve away even from tasty bait attached to anything with the bold pattern on it).

Apparently it has to be a certain sequence and ratio of the stripes that visually cues the sharks that it could be a banded sea snake, whose bite is not fatal to sharks but apparently very unpleasant. They also make blue swirly “sea camo” suits for surfers. A couple of the makers sell decal kits that can be applied to the hull of a surfboard or kayak.

a gun will scare them away
just fire it into the air…oops water.


hey ryan
I posted a similar satire before realizing some clown beat us both to it!

that looks like a snack