Should we all have Balls and a Diamond On our Kayaks for USCG jurisdictions

@Barge said:
Well it appears that I mistook Rule 25 for Faq #25. I will certainly admit my error. But the rude paranoid comment, insistence on being right, and willingness to argue in place of uncovering this mistake diminishes the value of this community.

You’ll need thicker skin if you’re going to keep posting “questions” in a way this thread was started.

This thread is funny (once i realized it was a serious question).

The only time i’d fly balloons off my boat is if I was just married =P

@Barge said:
Well it appears that I mistook Rule 25 for Faq #25. I will certainly admit my error. But the rude paranoid comment, insistence on being right, and willingness to argue in place of uncovering this mistake diminishes the value of this community.

Get a life. I don’t have one and won’t waste it reading CG regs.

I just caught up on what happened after my reply.

Two points -

  1. I do think that common sense should be deployed before suggesting the CG would officially require kayaks to float balloons 10 ft in the air. My god childs’ husband is an officer in the CG. He boards and inspects boats. I can guarantee that he has never said in conversations about kayak safety that we needed to mount a stack of balls and triangles. He does like epirbs and dsc buttons since he is posted on salt water.
  2. If you want radar reflection, there was a study done in Sea Kayaker magazine some years ago on what worked the best. Can’t find the article, but my recall is that they found a 3 ft pole with material like aluminum foil at least around the top part was likely the best you can do on a kayak. Anyone have that around?

Personally I agree with most others, I don’t consider a kayak to be a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver. Even if you disagree with that however, read paragraph “g” of rule 27.
(g) Vessels of less than 12 meters in length, except ‹ those › ‹‹ when ›› engaged in diving operations, ‹ shall not be › ‹‹ is not ›› required to exhibit the lights ‹ and › ‹‹ or ›› shapes prescribed in this Rule.

I don’t know about you, but all of my kayaks and canoes are less then 12 meters in length.

I always wear a tin foil hat to keep aliens from reading my mind PLUS it reflects radar from what Celia pointed out so I show up on radar better. So iam all set.


@MCImes said:
This thread is funny (once i realized it was a serious question).

The only time i’d fly balloons off my boat is if I was just married =P


Just sayin’. :wink: