Skeg vs Rudder

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My First Kayak…
Had neither skeg nor rudder…

Second kayak has skeg…

I likes it in the weather…

Don’t think I’d like a rudder, but I’ve never paddled using one… Seems to me like it would be more work than it is worth.

Can definitely state that the skeg makes a noticeable difference with weathercocking, etc. when out on the big water.

I’d go with a skeg next time as well…

Just my humble opinion, Hope It Helps!

skeg v. rudder

– Last Updated: Jun-04-08 1:31 PM EST –

Get three boats: one with a skeg, one with a rudder, and one with neither. I did, and I sold the ruddered boat because the mushy pegs drove me mad (necky elaho, pre-smarttrack systems) I think I only had the rudder down a few times, but the pegs were always a little mushy.

On the skegged boat (VCP RM avocet), the skeg kept getting stuck and finally it got knocked off in a marsh somewhere. It's just fine without the skeg.

The nothing-at-all boat is a BBK valkyrie, and it really is fine without either skeg or rudder. In a strong cross-wind, either one might be helpful, but it's not a big deal.

Years ago, I had a tiny recreational necky that had a little skeg which went up and down with a rope, like a rudder (this boat was so basic that the skeg came off the back of the boat, again like a rudder). It worked wonderfully well--with the skeg up, the boat was great for creeks and very mild whitewater, and with the skeg down, the boat could sort of go straight across a pond. And it never ever got stuck or jammed, and there was no skeg box to leak.

Get the boat you like!

The Advice Here is Mostly Rubbish
I just took great pains to read many of the comments here. There is so much misinformation that it is not worth correcting all the errors. You will gain far more insight by the sarcastic responses, than by the “experts” serious opinions.

Anyone here that tries to sell their personal preference by focusing on percieved negatives of the other choices is full of crap.

This would be a better forum if the rules were to only discuss the pros & cons of what you use on your kayak. You are not allowed to say anything negative about the other appendages.

If anyone is truly serious about learning the benefits of rudders, skegs or neither, they would be wise to get their information somewhere else.

well I have to agree with you there

– Last Updated: Jun-04-08 5:34 PM EST –

It depends on the craft and personal preference.

Except I think you'll be much happier with a red boat.

and a back up beeper

its a red boat!

Now, what color PFD?
I really wanted to complain about the sciatica that starts in my hip, but I guess that’s out since I sit on it more than use it in a kayak.

You could always start a good round about the PFD color and visibility though.

red boats are easier on sciatica

But they scratch easier.

although they go faster
just like red cars…:slight_smile:

You’re right, I should keep my esoteric opinions to myself.

The spongy foot pedals is a real issue. The truth is that you don’t get choices. There are no boats made that offer the choice of rudder or skeg. It wasn’t long ago that no American kayak had a skeg. Now the majority of newer models all have skegs and many don’t offer rudders at all other than older models. That’s a fact and it does have meaning as far as the thinking of the manufacturers. What have they learned and why did they change?


– Last Updated: Jun-05-08 8:22 AM EST –

Still offers both I think. And used to be Kayak Sport, at least on some boats. But with QCC's more plumb bow design, it may be a close call which is going to be more apt.
I suspect that the boat designers for the major companies can answer the question about why the trend towards skegs - may be a marketing thing.

(BTW, a considerable number of the replies were from people who had owned boats with skeg as well as rudder, and replied from that experience base. I just didn't want to do a tit for tat reply.)

What I do…

…with my appendage…oh, you meant…sorry.