“Amen” to That
I do believe those are the same words I’ve used (LOL) to those who told me tomato juice works (LOL)?

Another Skunk Story
TheBob and I and another paddler were on the Eleven Point River on our second night below Riverton, a stretch that sees less campers than the upper river. Bob retired to his tent while we enjoyed the campfire a bit longer. Hearing something coming down the hill toward Bob’s tent, we shine a light that way and see a skunk moving at a brisk pace. Incredulously, the skunk walks right into the tent that Bob so thoughtlessly placed on the skunks path (LOL). At once, we hear “What the He…” and Bob hits the side of the tent, knocking the skunk flying! We were prepared for mayhem and an assault to our olfactory senses, but the skunk picked himself up and, without missing a beat, started back up the hill seemingly puzzled about what just happened (LOL)?

We were all VERY lucky! Having had a skunk spray our campsite trying to hit my brother once, I know what it’s like to have to vacate a campsite at night because the smell is too potent!

Almost Skunked
Years ago I was on a solo camping trip in southern Colorado. I arrived at my campsite after dark and pitched my tent. About 3:00 AM I awoke to the sound of an animal mucking about at the edge of my tent … I imagined a possum or woodchuck but when I exited my tent and put my flashlight on it, it was a skunk! He growled and looked at me like I was a house guest who’d overstayed his welcome by two weeks. I fled to my car and stayed there until dawn. Once the sun came up, I started to break camp. To my disgust, I found the site’s previous occupant had thoughtfully left a bunch of dry dog food scattered about the campsite … with most of it apparently right under my tent. What a night!

How’s about …
keeping the pooch on a 6’ leash? Less stress on everyone.


problem with a 6’ leash
is that the outdoors are for my dog as well as for me. He wants to roam and smell and pee and enjoy the wild just as do I.

Unfortunatly, modern city dogs do not have the chance to be trained to be around wild animals or land without a fence so they get lost or in trouble.

Fortunatly, my Min-Pin likes to be close to me so remains in and near the tent. BUT, he thinks that all cats and rabbits and cows and so on are just bigger mice for him to chase.

Keep hin on a leash denies him the chance to experience and learn.

There are two skunks running
for President. I’m not sure we’ll ever get the stench out from either one.

Animal Farm Redux
So much now in our politics seems to have shaken loose,

these cages of cacophony unleashing no bull moose,

but bull on bull of pachyderm with bull on bull of ass,

these party lines hogwild unkind find me at impass,

and now you say its mad dog fights in face off skunk-to-skunk,

no wonder most America is nose down in such funk,

and thus we soar into this snore crash landing once proud eagle,

next executive to Franklin gives his desire of turkey regal!

AMEN, String, AMEN Brother!
Dawn, Peroxide, and Baking soda can’t get the “Stink” out of those two!

short hair cats

Know your skunks

A great name in education

Extra points

– Last Updated: Oct-22-16 8:24 PM EST –

Florida sand ridge skunk in Ocala National Forest.

they're sun bleached, very reasonable.

Team with fox squirrels n giant gophers.

Hey raftergirl…
Which section did you do?

Next weekend we are doing Hoover Dam to Cottonwood Cove over 6 days. You know how long it takes to get past the hot springs.

I’ve done that stretch a couple times as well as Blythe to Yuma a few times and never even saw a skunk or raccoon or anything.

So I am writing a paddlers guidebook (2nd edition) for Hoover to Cottonwood. I really should add a part about wildlife though I haven’t seen anything save tracks.