solo canoe

…selling the Bell…
Lots of time to post it in several sites. Most everyone who paddles and skis…still has lotsa snow to play in.

Solo boats

The Bell, now Pb, WildFire and the Bell Yellowstone are not the same boat!

Always a composite boat, WildFire has 2.5" rocker at each end.

The Yellowstone started life as a vacuum-formed royal-something hull with 2.5" bow rocker and 1.5" stern rocker. The first year of production it carried the WildFire decal.

The more recent composite Yellowstone has ther same 2.5/1.5"

Maybe I missed paddler size, but the best buy “beater” royal whatever solo has to be the Mohawk Solo 13 or Solo 14 depending upon paddler height and weight.


Haven’t seen anything about that sale. From the looks of things, they may have the store ready in time but I don’t know how much inventory they managed to save or accumulate since last June’s huge flood hit. They got wiped out as did the entire area. I can keep you posted via an email if you like plaidpaddler.