Solo Kayak - Capsize and Swim

That is true, but a lot of (mostly) younger people are trying, and they expect to get rich as influencers. Just like so many HS star athletes who just know the pro scouts will show up soon… not.


My son uses a private Youtube channel as training tool for MMA competitors he is coaching. Not for public consumption but for training tips and technique dissection for folks he is coaching/cornering. The Youtube doesn’t have to “monetize” directly per se to be still a small part of an income generating effort. It may have actually helped him in getting a gig as a streaming live commentator for a local MMA venue.


Nothing wrong with that! Few businesses can survive without some social media presence, esp businesses with a younger customer base.
My concern is for all those HS students who don’t plan to get any post-secondary education - no college, no trade school, no apprenticeship, no military, no nothin’ - because being a YouTube content creator is the road to fame and wealth.
PT Barnum is still right today, there’s a sucker born every minute.


Yes. My sons have been training since they were young teens. But, when the older one said he wanted to compete professionally when he was in high school, I was apprehensive for a number of reasons – one of which is that it is a HARD sport and very few make it to top where a living wage is possible. I said I would support him ONLY if finishes high school and continued on to get at least a two year technical degree. He held up his end of the bargain and I held up mine. I attended his first amateur bout and his first pro bout (I couldn’t watch more than that). Top ranked as an amateur and pro in New England, twice he was being considered for the UFC depending on the outcomes of high stake matches. He lost one by decision and another KO. He made a good run and he was done. (I am glad.)

The social media come into play both in terms of the number of those willing to pay for the live stream of his card. Also, by the number of those who actually click and watch the videos of his matches after the live event.

He talks about it, there are many in the gym, chasing “the dream.” “I coulda been a contenda…”


Hi, you have to practice more. Kayaking with waves its a normal situation, you have to get use to them… also try to learn how to recover, from beeing in the water… Nice video! Keep on!!

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