Stern squirt possible in all WW kayaks?

Renting is to check it out first
With rentals so reasonable, there’s no reason not to try first. Plus, at least one shop credits the rental fee if you buy a boat from them. That’s what I did with the Sidekick.

good plan!
I like the demo boat plan.

My shop let me take a demo boat for a week.

Really helped me to get over the fact that the only color I’d have been able to get in the boat I liked was red.

NEVER ever admit to preferring a certain color if you’re female.

Especially when shopping for a new car or truck!

Almost did a stern squirt in a canoo
3 hours after ettin’ some bad Chineese food a couple months ago.


an AQ Noah many years ago…backed into a small waterfall one day…FAST Squirt

didn’t really find out about those flat back decked kayaks until then!!! whole new world from the creek boats to rodeo

Best Wishes
