Surf Ski comparisons

This was not intended to create contraversy. Just facts and hard data. After visiting and racing in CA several times. A lot of my friends switched from makos to The SX-1. The boats are very high quality and very beautiful. Personally do not know Jude. All my friends have been treated very well with excellent boats.

I did not get a chance to try one last time.

Jude should be proud of his excellent work.

Anyways always looking for good information.

Thanks, Jude
Good luck. If more of the OC-1 guys would migrate to skis, there should be lots of market for everyone. Hope to see an S1-X on the water soon!

Also Thanks Jude,
for giving us the truth of the matter.

Also, I would love to see the Top Guys in different skis like the S1-X in order to have several options.

A while back, when I was deciding which ski to buy, I realized I did not have much to choose from. If I was going to invest almost three thousand dollars in a “racing” boat, I needed more than hope.

Hey DLonborg, it might be great if some of the OC-1 guys migrate not only to skis but also all around the US. There are still places where we need paddlers and you have quite a lot there :smiley:

