Sustained paddling stroke

a book
Find “the Barton Mold” by Bill Endicott of USACKT.

Push Off The Balls of Your Feet

– Last Updated: Mar-27-13 1:32 AM EST –

Instead of your heals and this should put to work the large leg muscles that have already been pre-conditioned by all your bicycling and also pump needed blood back up to your heart to reduce fatigue.

so many ideas
Wow! 21 replies, thanks again to all, will be on the water this Easter weekend to start working these thoughts into my paddle time, Cheers, Saxon

2nd seadart’s post
Try a high angle paddle and stroke. Make sure your stroke isn’t too long; that’s often why people don’t keep a continuous speed. Try messing with your cadence.

Efficient Low Angle Stroke
That’s good for 300 miles or more. Check out:

Just nice and easy w/o feather too!

Small Blade

– Last Updated: Mar-30-13 2:12 PM EST –

Thanks Clyde. What may not be obvious in the video is that I'm using a very small wing blade - an "endurance wing" by ONNO. For full disclosure, I'm not sponsored by ONNO.

I received some excellent coaching from Hank McGregor; he is a strong advocate of adults using small blades, even those sized for children, for endurance events. This fits well with my experience using Greenland paddles.

What you lose in "raw power" you gain back, by permitting good technique mile after mile.

Greg Stamer

Good, I’m not the only small blade guy.

paddling stroke
Good post. I used to have a landscape company. Moving dirt on the surface with a large landscape rake or a shovel can be used to duplicate a paddling stroke. My paddling became much stronger after starting the company and working at it for about 6 months.

Right-Tow Greg

– Last Updated: Apr-04-13 4:57 AM EST –

For I remember the old advice I read (probably SEA KAYAKER) years ago: "never underestimate the power of the narrow blade." Happy Easter everyone!

ps: And that's exactly what a teenage paddler did in switching from a Onno Small-mid wing to an Onno Small Endurance wing to finish a recent 20 mile open ocean race in just over 3 hours.