The End of Foam & Fiberglass Wave Skis?

Don’t feel bad about starting with someone elses design…that’s what the pro do as well…they find one they think works well and tweak it here and there then claim some major break thru…LOL


Goodf Bye Old Farts
I know very little about surfboards, but where i live is one of the biggest surfing towns in the country so it’s hard not to know some of the shapers. I actually think the demise of the Clark company may be a good thing in the long run. There are guys it might really hurt that I would feel bad about, but I do think there are a lot of people who are not very innovative that are some of the “top” shapers. I took a waveski for repair into a surf shop that is world famous because someone told me the guy that runs it would give me good advice. He really did not know much about anything that did not involve his own surf boards and the old process of making them. I think this change will give some new blood a chance to make their marks. Adversity brings innovation. It’s kind of like watching the asteroid that killed of the dinosaurs though. The innovative folks with snap back with a vengence.

Foam on the attack …
do feel bad for the folks who survive by mowing foam and hope they come out of it o.k.

Foam go back at me today as I mixed up some two part, set the mixing stick down to drip into the garbage can then a second later when reaching to set something down into the garbage can the brush dropped onto my head.

Thats my punishment.

More a closed mind thing than age

– Last Updated: Dec-09-05 5:23 PM EST –

At 52 I feel as open and innovative as ever...just now with a little experience under my belt I can move from point A to point B more efficiently. I have dealt with a lot of the same BS over and over, and now I am not side tracked as easily or as often. Having put many of these ideas to the test, I am a little less vulnerable than I use to be...LOL

I agree with you Seadart, a lot of the "experts" don't seem to know much about anything outside a very narrow world. They are stuck in a rut… Age plays a part in some of it…

But “some” of the most closed minded people I know are under 25 years old… Go figure…like one guy that insisted that he was going to fix his ding right in a EPS foam board, he mixed up a big gob of epoxy and glass bubbles and stuffed it into the hole. When the resin exothermed it burned out a section of foam as big as a soft ball. Tried to warn him... oh well. What can you say, some people have to get old to get dense, others have a head start...LOL

Never been one to admire the antiques, not one for classic cars or anything else nostalgic, were I want to be is seeking out the cutting edge, and the edge gets wider all the time. That is the one thing that I don't see changing till the day I die.


Soo…how did you deal with it?
That stuff is tenacious…did you shave your head? LOL …Feel bad for you man, can’t think of anything that takes that stuff off that you would want to put on your head. Hopefully it was just a really small amount.


Yep, just read how the blanks are simply
grouped when these guys are talking … Epoxy or polyester… like that is all there is to it.

Can keep spouting off since I jerked my head out of the way as soon as I felt ( and knew exactly what it was as it was barely perched up there so as to not stick to edge ) it and narrowly escaped certain bald patched syndrome. Got off with just a little bit … acetoned ( hey its my hair) it out right away.

Years ago, had a boat upside down and was laying in a ply of kevlar inside while standing up with boat on two ladders and a light inside. … Did aft of cp first then turned around to do foredeck … never realized my long hair was up on fresh resin till I went to duck out of the job … almost pulled the boat down on myself before figuring out my hair was reinforcing the aft deck and was ‘post cured’ by the lamp… of course scissors were out of reach.

Most of what makes a good shaper good, is their ability to design it not only build it. If a designers of homes or bridges or cars had to actually build what the they design I would hate to see what we would be left with…LOL
