The Kayaking Popularity Explosion

Well…I just asked the question…
…And you never thought it had relavance.:slight_smile:

I was wrong about the year,…
… but that sounds a lot like what I’ve read a couple of other places. My older brother bought a Grumman in 1974, and during a very short time period right about then, it seemed like all manner of small stores were stocking Grummans. I’m sure that was never the case a few years earlier, and I know for a fact that it was never the case later on. Those were good years for Grumman, “despite g2d’s imaginings”.

My brother bought his Grumman from a little neighborhood hardware store in 1974, a place that had no history whatsoever selling boats of any kind before that time. They actually stocked quite a few, and my brother chose one that had a little scratch on it already and was therefore discounted. Interestingly, it was Grumman’s heavy-duty model with extra ribs and a shoe keel, a style that’s a bit rare overall, and I can’t help but wonder if the little hardware store was catering to people who had visions of doing whitewater since it would make no sense to stock anything other than the standard model 99 percent of the time.

I bike with the manager of a local sporting goods store. Today he told me that he’s selling many, many fishing kayaks and hardly any touring boats. Apparently word has gotten around how great it is to fish from a kayak.

Fishing Kayaks
I see more of those than I ever expected to.

All of my fishing buds told me canoes were to narrow and you couldn’t move around enough in them to fish properly.

How is a kayak better for fishing?

But they are out there. I see them.


I can spell relevance, and I can post
relevantly. You can take up space on the wrong forum if you want to, especially because you’re totally anonymous.

It’s just PR. I ran into
a paddle mag article in which Payson Kennedy and Claude Terry said specifically that the explosion in canoeing interest and purchasing was already underway before Deliverance appeared. I don’t know why they would say that if they didn’t believe it.

Mad River, Blue Hole, and Moore were already making and selling new boats before Deliverance. I believe Sawyer was also. Grummans were cheaper. Maybe they profited from the presence of the new designs from smaller manufacturers.

I think it started with Ocean Kayaks
Before I saw any kayaks in my neck of the woods, in the mid-1990s I started seeing Ocean Kayaks as rental boats at resorts down in the Caribbean. Resorts I had been to just a couple of years before when they had none, had them. I guess Ocean Kayak did a great job of aggressively marketing them to big resort chains like Westin, probably selling them at break even or even at a loss to get them out there, get people hooked on them on vacation. I’ll admit, it worked on me, I started searching around for them. Then in the late 1990s I started seeing OKs for sale in higher end sporting goods chains like REI here in Texas. Being a poor college student I wanted one, but put off buying it until I finished grad school and got my first decent paying job in 2000, when I got an OK Frenzy. At that time, paddling on the Texas coast, I would constantly be stopped by people asking me where I got that cool little boat. In 2 or 3 years, I started seeing other paddlers occasionally, and then started seeing them offered for rent down here. By 2005, they had exploded and were everywhere, still with OK dominating at first, but quickly as people realized there was a boom going on they started opening paddlesports stores, and then offering other SOTs and then offering SINKS.

Has anyone ever listened to you?
What percentage of times you have chastised someone for posting here have they actually moved their thread to Paddler’s Place? If it has happened at all, I have never seen it, all that results is some people make fun of you for being self-important and then ignore you and keep talking. Why bother?

I am a fishing kayak-to-canoe convert
I bought a SOT before the kayak fishing craze got started, and then once all the other kayaks showed up in the waters I had had to myself, and started fishing, I thought I might as well try. For the Gulf side, certainly a kayak is preferred, but on the bay side, I started thinking that maybe a canoe could afford me more space for gear and to handle the fish I caught, as well as being more comfortable, and so I bought one and found out I was right on all counts.

Suspicion of DUUJ as "marketing parasite
Even if DUUJ is here looking for marketing information, what exactly is wrong with that? If he is looking for ideas of what kinds of paddling products to create or market, or ideas about what paddling consumers think or want, wouldn’t you rather he do it here, and get the information from us, so that what he sells would be based on our wants rather than someone else?

That’s What I’ve Come to Believe
There was a thread recently that I suspected originated from some kayak maker or another. The question was basically "Would you prefer a big oval, leaky hatch/cover or smaller, round, and water-tight?


The big oval bastard on my Alchemy leaks like a screen door.

Why not read the forum guidelines
and use them? This DUUJ garbage thread is exactly the sort of thing that belongs on the Discussion Forum, but not here.

I have little sense of self importance, but I find garbage posts offensive.

Because it does not fit the
forum guidelines, and in addition, it is a garbage topic.

May I see your badge please?
Just to confirm that you are the duly appointed forum cop, charged with enforcing forum guidelines and rating the quality of everyone’s posts?

What does it matter?
Is it really hurting anything for it to be here? And who the hell are you to decide what are garbage posts? Plenty of us don’t find it garbage or else we would ignore it, like you should do if you see posts that don’t meet your ridiculous standards. Ridiculous that you would be offended by the post, you have some serious issues if you are so easily offended. Get a grip.