The perfect holiday gift: how to be a paddling "pro" in just 90 minutes!

No video. It’s a book, about 100 pages. “The 90 Minute Guide to Master Kayaking and Learn to Paddle Like a Pro.” Without getting wet.

As Celia pointed out, the cover depicts a guy in a SOT. No PFD. It’s a sunny day. No shirt, no sunglasses, no hydration, etc. Gosh, even first-time paddlers carry such basic stuff.

Well, I guess that’s a bit better. Being an open boater I’m afraid the word kayaking put me in skimming mode. For that I apologize.
Still, paddling is paddling and, canoeing or kayaking, its a thing that kinda’ grows on us over the years. Like others here I’m dubious of promises of becoming a pro by reading (or watching a video). Especially the judgement part of it will always come with experience with seat time with a paddle in hand and not from a book or video. Close calls and getting wet goes a LONG way in helping almost all of us retain lessons no matter what we’ve read or watched. At least if we don’t drown for the want of a PFD or give up on the sport because we’ve made ourselves so miserable from dehydration, sunburn, and lack of sunglasses we never get in a boat again…

Of course i speak from ignorance since I haven’t spent the suggested 90 minutes. But maybe one becomes a "pro-ponent " of kayaking in 90 minutes…