Thinking of going shorter

@Rex Thanks, that is good to hear. Yeah, as soon I paddled my buddy’s 165, I knew the 170 was too big. I actually went on my phone about a half hour later while floating on the river and ordered the 165, LOL. I just hope there’s enough foot room. I felt fine in my friend’s boat, but I didn’t bother adjusting anything, and he’s a bit shorter than me. I was only in it for like 2 minutes, but it paddled great. Reminded me more of my P&H Virgo than the 170. With the 170, I’m always aware of its inertia. Even when just carrying it and trying to spin it around when unloading/loading. It’s a body at rest that wants to stay at rest. Now, once I get going, it glides pretty well, but I always kind of dread stopping and starting, and turning because it’s just a chore.