Tips for a novice trying to solo paddle

I have a Spirit II in Kevlar
Great boat, but not ideal for paddling solo. - it’s obviously really wide amidships. Having said that, I paddled it solo for an entire season when I was starting out since it was the only boat I had. It can definitely be done. Ditto on Bill Mason’s Path of the Paddle.

True, but…
you’re not going to be doing many cross stokes from the middle of a Spirit II. :wink:

Spirit II is a good tandem boat…
Although RX, it may serve your tandem needs really well someday…granted it’s not your everyday choice for solo paddling.

Cab forward isn’t about cross strokes.
Though at my height, I was able to cross stroke my Tripper just fine.

Cab forward is not about cross strokes?
How are you avoiding corrections strokes at the rear of the boat if you are not doing cross strokes?

Just wondering, maybe we are not talking about the same thing.

a solo hull is more maneuverable in an immediate sense so try eddy turns with correct lean and stroke both in and out with upstream ferrying in between.

like this

I avoid most correction strokes with a
good forward reach, a firm catch, and a short, straight stroke ending at the hip. Because a small mound of water forms along the opposite side of the bow during power application, that mound pushes the bow back during recovery. Sometimes called “pinning the bow” and briefly referred to in “Drill Time”.

I rarely use cross strokes for correction. Instead I use a brief, vertical J at the end of the stroke. Not a trailing J, which slows the boat. Oh, well, I admit it, I occasionally stoop to a trailing J, but it is an admission of defeat.

In a big boat without much load you will be at the mercy of the wind.

If you are day tripping you likely don’t want to pack your boat with gear.

One or two 5 gallon jugs of water at 40 lbs each will make your tandem behave much better. If you do swamp or go over, water will not drag your boat to the bottom. And you can drain the jugs before you carry them back to the car.

I like the Path of the Paddle and find folks to paddle with suggestions too.