Un-Manned Kayak Found in Fore River, South Portland ME

CG is looking for the owner/paddler. (If someone is still in the water, likely s/he would have passed by now.) Folks need to put their contact info in the boat!


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That is always a concerning situation. We happened to come across a kayak with a phone in it last year on a small river with lots of strainers. Here is a link to how things went down with it.

Advice needed…found lost boat and phone today on river - Advice - Paddling.com

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Link did not work for me. Did the kayak have typical paddling stuff with it, such as a water bottle, drybag, or other signs it was actually being paddled?

It is possible also that someone stole the kayak from an outdoor sale display or from an individual’s yard, got scared, and dumped it in the river. So many pre-holiday sales of summer inventory to clear out at big discounts…

I hope it was just a boat that floated off a beach or dock. Always a scary situation to find an empty boat.

I had the Coast Guard call the shop I worked at once as they had found an empty kayak with one of our shop stickers and thought it might be one of our rentals. Turned out to just have floated away on an extra high tide but could have definitely been much worse. Nice to know the CG takes these situations seriously though.

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We found a canoe pinned under a tree a few years ago - keys and cell phone still in the drybag attached to the thwart, but no ID.

Another pinned boat from Saturday's flood

We call the police who told us to leave it under a nearby bridge. We never heard what happened, but it wasn’t there the next time we paddled by.

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likely it floated away and there is so much mud in that river at low tide they might not have wanted to pursue it. Its quite a protected river but full of shipping terminals. and the airport runways abut it.