Valley Hatch volumes

Here are some figures
A few years ago the Valley catalog had volumes listed for compartments and boats overall. The Kayak Academy site has information that is consistent with what Valley listed and you may find it of value.

Personally I take listed volumes with a rather large grain of salt.

Thats interesting. It shows the Nordkapp RM has as much storage as the Aquanaut HV and a little more than the LV Aquanaut RM. Plus it says that paddler weight for the two RM Aquanauts I would really be better in the HV since iam 160 to 165 pounds (varies somes, lol). Humm I thought for sure I would be better in the LV Aquanaut RM.I found both a LV and a HV Aquanauts RM’s for sale online. Hate buying a kayak with out at least sitting in the thing.