Thanks for all the information that has been posted here. We will take a closer look at the thinner materials everyone has metioned. They sound every interesting. Too bad there is no store that carries chillcheaters on this side of the ocean.
Holmes - let us know how the chillcheaters work out for you.
chill cheaters in USA
I know MANY high caliber paddlers that use Chill Cheaters here in the USA. It is a hastle to order via mail order but I can assure you (as a satisfied customer) they guaratee satisfaction in the chill cheater product.
They’ve been prompt in responding to every email I sent (and it was several) and they bent over backwards to make me happy.
Ps: The product, even with the shipping costs included are still much cheaper than USA options. It just makes sense to give it a try.
I know I keep brining this up…
But a friend and her daughter died three years ago off the coast of Virginia Beach on Mother’s Day. The air temp was 84F. A freak squall came up and broke their mast. All four had PFDs. No one drowned. But my friend and her daughter were found a few hours later on top of the hull-they could not be revived. Her brother and sister-in-law were still in the water. They lived. Would I have had immersion gear on if I was her? No. would I now knowing what happened to her? No. I’ve read all the reports and still don’t kow what to think…other than time being wet as the deciding factor, (yet the people who lived were in the water.)