Only if you “earned” it!
Only if you “earned” it!
(There is a 1 star assesment?)
just keep practicing and
trying different kayaks—a big guy like you can handle a larger kayak—like some of the current design models or the wilderness systems 180==I paddle a WS 170—and in high winds and with an empty hull(just me at 180 lbs) the boat has a pronounced tendency to leecock(go to windward) when I’m headed a few degrees off the wind–can be corrected with bow strokes, duffeck, etc. Interesting enough, when fill the boat with my camping equipment and food, I have absolutly no problems—so weight does make a difference in a kayak—also try taking a rolling class—once you learn how to roll you do tend to be more comfortable
… I’m still having issues…
the annoying thing is I have past a certain point I think.
When people first get in a boat they have that intial unbalance and not really sure what they should be doing but it soon passes and they are paddling happy… at times I feel this and can start to concentrate on the session rather than staying upright…
But my weight in the kayak I’m in (NDK Explorer) seems to really work against me to the point that mastering balance in teh wasit and torso seems like a mamoth job.
We had a paddle in moderate swells the other day… no breakers just big waves passing under the boat. First timers where paddling through with no problems at all… where as I was really fighting to stay up right…
With an average weight paddler of between 10 to 14 stone in a 22 inch wide kayak feeling very stable what would a 19 stone bloke have to be in to feel what they are?
I do appreciate practice and time on the water is the key but I’m having to overcome problems and rather “make do” with the kayak I’m in… but its not designed to effectively carry my weight all in the cockpit…
I’ve had loads of advice and help but its hard to accept even the most expert of advice when it comes from someone 6 stone lighter than you as they can’t really appreciate the situation without wearing a 6 stone weight jacket.
I just want to see a big paddler, my size, that is a comfortable paddler in varied conditions…
I’m gonna have to get a dingy arent I ?!