I use this one, and like it.
Machete makes sense
Looked at on in Wally World this morning. Been a long time since I used one. As long as it’s sharp, that sucker can whack off some limbs and chip out chuncks of wood on a small tree.
It was about 14", maybe less. Since it looks like Fall till I get to go camping, I will be picking one up.
I do remmber cutting something, and it does an awesome job.
Thanks for all the ideas …
I first started kayak camping last summer.
I tried just picking up small twigs and branches, but I found any fire made with smaller wood flamed up quickly and died out just as quickly.
I tried breaking larger branches with my hands, or by stomping on them. It worked to some degree, but my feet really got sore quickly.
Later, I tried a cheap hatchet, but it was better at bouncing off the wood than cutting it. And my forearm really got sore. Really of little use.
Looks like the most practical method is going to be some sort of a saw. And I how have plenty of good ideas.
Machete and Gerber Folding Saw
I carry a veitnam era US military machete and a Gerber folding saw. I think Gerber has 2 types, I use the cheaper one that has a blade that slides back into the handle like a stileto knife. I use it for pruning around the house and have easily felled 3-4" diameter trees with it. Never has broke. As for the machete, I’ve tried hatchets before and a machete will do twice the work in half the time.