where are your knuckles in canoeing?

Sort of like this?

Have to check later.

don’t think so

– Last Updated: Jan-10-07 4:14 PM EST –

Hey Somalley,

Nice roll!

I don't think switching to your left would've helped. And switching in there, as you pointed out to Daggermat, probably isn't a great idea!

I prefer entering for a front a surf as you did, with the option of a stern pry to straighten the surf. I'd just try to be really tight with the angle upon entry.

Going in on your left, leaving you with a draw correction, would probably just result a jet ferry out the other side. I guess one advantage would be that you'd have been set up with a downstream brace while you were crossing or side surfing.

Either way, some fast waves/holes just won't tolerate a front surf - you either spin or flip.

I should work on my spinning, because I'd usually flip, and often swim.

After that rolling, you might have to update your profile to 'advanced'!


p.s. You got flipped to your onside.

WW c-1 paddlers make little use of

– Last Updated: Jan-10-07 4:22 PM EST –

the lower hand to control blade angle. There is some need for tightening the lower grip to help control blade angle during cross sweep and cross forward ("Perking") strokes.

And actually, the lower hand position is often not THAT low. The lower hand slips down to increase leverage when I lean forward to lower the bow and increase forward speed. But I often catch myself with the lower hand well up the shaft, especially during violent maneuvers. The need to move the lower hand up and down is one reason I'm not attracted to the new cranked shaft c-1 paddles.


– Last Updated: Jan-10-07 5:05 PM EST –

somalley, knew you were kidding, but I do notice I just basically try to "git er dun" and have my fun, whatever it takes is the way I paddle. looks like a nice set in your video(the first one, not that texas clip). What river is that and what was the level?
Erik, how ya gonna' hit any rocks in a "cement pond?"
Love getting canoeists together, makes me feel like less of an oddball; don't mind me blabbing a bit.
Got a rendezvous planned this spring(connecticut/farmington river). think I counted 14 river trippin' canoes in the group, including Eck and StrIder. Fly fishermaen beware!!
Oh yeah Yarnell. WHAT??? stern pry bow fry crossside try offside onside. Dang, one of the reasons I solo is because I can't even tell left from right when I paddle. Don't believe me ask my son, I just try to "git er done."

Yep, the fun’s where it’s at.

The clip is from Swimmers on the Lower Yough in PA, around 3 foot on the Ohiopyle gauge. Probably my favorite level.

no thinkin’?

– Last Updated: Jan-10-07 5:45 PM EST –

Daggermat, The reason I like canoeing is because it challenges me to think about the dynamics of different options.

Don't want to think about precise strokes? Get a kayak! ;)

No arguments here though - any boat, any water, any stroke, it's about gettin' 'er done and having fun!

Swimmer's - good name!


spin hole for sure
Swimmers is a spin hole for sure. It’s pretty retentive on river right, so no worries about blowing out the other side.

I don’t paddle on the left hardly at all, due to a bum shoulder - gets sore if my right hand is on the t-grip for more than a few strokes. So I’m pretty much committed to my off side when starting a move from river right. Now if I could just get better at edging without a paddle in the water :).

CE, are you referring to c-1s, or oc1s?
In a c-1, I can get my hand down near the top of the blade, but I still don’t see how it would help control blade angle to have it down there, unless I literally fork my fingers around the top of the blade, and I know that isn’t what you mean.

Also would like to know what composite boats you are infusing. Some of my boats were vacuum bagged, but I don’t have anything new enough to have been infused, as far as I know.

No, not qiute…
…even during a paddle on a flat lake, it takes

a crowbar to pry her fingers off the gun’nuls.

ready to

– Last Updated: Jan-10-07 8:29 PM EST –

throw down the gauntlet Yarnell, lucky for you I can understand the ;)!! . And just as I was starting to figure out the cross-bar-prowdry, along comes the crowbaroffpry??
Thinking is for tandem, reacting is for solo. keeping my 16'4', 39" wide Swift rightside up, off the rocks, and eddied out in the same county I started the move in is good enough for me. Bow reminds me of my 28' sailboat when I'm kneeling in the center.
next to my sons dagger

I like the cut of your jib

Great pics & attitude. Don’t tell your double-blading friends what I say!

Keep havin’ fun!


p.s. Re: the catual question - For the record, my knuckles might be down below the gunwales, and even on the throat of the blade for relaxed paddling, but I choke up, sometimes a lot, for more purposeful ww strokes.

my knuckles are
as high as still comfortable and manageable,

which means that my hands are about ‘shoulder-width’ apart.

Makes my balance in the canoe better too.


C-! or OC-1?
Both. I’ve seen C-1 paddlers actually fork fingers around the shaft. It doesn’t make much sense to me, as it messes with blade hydrodynamics and power, but I’ve seen it done.

OC-1, one wouldn’t likely get a hand that close to the water

Well, 98% of decked slalom c-1 paddlers
are better than me, so I won’t question any of the crazy things some of them do. I used to see oarsmen who did’t have their upper hand closed around the shaft when they took the catch, and that did’t make sense to me either.