Check out nystrom’s tips on
putting the pump under the deck! Works nicely

I usually send " the bride"
up in the middle of the truck to do any necessary tying, etc.

Two reasons: 1.She is a lot lighter than me and walks softer.

2. If there are going to be any broken bones, I can just rush here to the hospital and then come back and paddle !



got stock?
actually I’m kidding,In the big picture the handpump and paddlefloat combo is more a marketing/sales device than a self-rescue aid.

I think the hand pumps are more useful for helping the other person who’s too tuckered out to keep pumping on their own.

Sure if a person has bailed in open water the pump and pf are worthwhile backups but if it’s truly rough water I don’t think someone is really going to be getting much out trying to pump AND brace for capsize if they don’t have bracing/rolling skills to begin with.

For those without bracing/rolling skills it seems that basic habits of holding onto things is challenged,important things floating away.

therefore,the electric pump.

I’d configure one for a double in the same way that paddling with other skilled paddlers is a worthwhile strategy for rescue options for single kayaks.

I knew that one! : )

Filled With Air Bags…
if a hatch is truly subpar and leaky. My plastic Mystic has a really fun hull for playing in waves but has really lousy plastic hatch covers that leak like sieves.

Anyway, I custom made air bags with heat sealable nylon to fill both bulkheads. Several weeks ago, I took Tsunamichuck surfing with that Mystic. We played for about 4 hours. He didn’t have to pump the bulkheads. Just drained off what little that got into the bulkheads after the surf session.



it’s easy
since that plastic holder is meant to hold a bicycle water bottle there really isn’t any reason to preserve it for perpetuity.

Get a long wood bit and drill it out.

I believe the deck hardware is held throught the deck with a machine screw. Put folded over pieces of webbing underneath the lock nut and you’ve got a bunch of possibilities. You can lace some 1/8"-3/16" bungie in a configuration that works best for whatever you need and it’ll always be accessible and not float out in a wet exit.

You might configure some bungie in the front or back of the ‘kneetube’ to hold the pump or other things. All you have to do is push something through the bungies and it stays there.

I don’t recall if the pump hangs down,if it does you can make a piece of bungie like the one that’s already there to hold it up, or put some velcro on the end and underside of the deck.

Meridian 'knee tube’
is a vacuum formed piece of plastic that is glassed into place. It’s a useful feature,except that it’s closed at one end. Drilled out it holds a pump just fine.

with a stack of these
you could have an auxiliary pto.
