10-13mph sw wind on upper Missouri

Wind forecast at Fort Benton and also at Lewistown, MT call for 10-13 mph winds from the south west on the days we plan to paddle from Coal Banks to Judith Landing. We’re on touring kayaks (carrying about 35 lbs of gear each)and the longest we’ve paddled (in 5 hours against strong tidal flow)was 15 miles with no additional weight. We were hoping to do that 47 mile stretch in 2 days and have measured our water and provisions toward that goal. How constant does the wind blow on that stretch and are we being too optimistic? Are there better wind stations than Fort Benton and Lewistown for that part of the river?

10 mph winds aren’t too bad
we had light headwinds most of the time and occasionally enough tailwind to sail with an umbrella. You’ll probably see variable winds like tht too unless theres a strong weather system in the area.

Usually if looking at forecasts more than a few days out they indicate trends better than spot on predictions.

Get out at night and look for the stars they have a lot more visible in the Big Sky Country.



Since the night will be borderline freezing,…as you know, as temas.warm in the morning…winds increase. So more wind in morn and eve than mid day typically. Had severa friends paddle that two month ago…thru erre making 60-70 mile days!

The direction of wind you mentioned will be advantagous…at yr back a majority of time. I love the wind. In 2004 i paddled up the missouri…headwinds 5-30mph …in 17 weeks the wind did NOT blow only 4days!!

Have fun

Not like Florida
Thanks for the explanation. In Florida, our home state, we want to put in early morning to be out of the water before the afternoon storms (thunder, lightening, wind) drive us off. And then it calms down in the evening. But it makes for great waves in the inland lakes and rivers.

Since the night will be borderline freezing,…as you know, as temas.warm in the morning…winds increase. So more wind in morn and eve than mid day typically. Had severa friends paddle that two month ago…thru erre making 60-70 mile days!

The direction of wind you mentioned will be advantagous…at yr back a majority of time. I love the wind. In 2004 i paddled up the missouri…headwinds 5-30mph …in 17 weeks the wind did NOT blow only 4days!!

Have fun

Similar to that in the summer…etc afternoon storms, but Not fall. Have warm sleeeping bags…cold nites

10-13mph winds
Winds on the Missouri R tend to be higher than for FT Benton. They will be mostly upstream during the day, except for early morning or when a regional storm track comes through. We used a bed sheet between two canoes for some fast boat travel whenever the wind was behind us. (rare). You can make a lot of miles on that river if the wind isn’t strong in your face, but why would you? It was really hot during our trip, over 110 degrees so we paddled 36 miles the last day to get to Kipp Bridge some cold beer and ice.