Though I have a Pungo 120 that I really enjoy I wanted to add another boat to have options and have second boat if someone wanted to go out. I went and checked out a 10.6 Loon and really liked it so put down a deposit. I am now having second thoughts thinking maybe should of went with the 12’ . I paddle mostly lakes , canals and occasionally on the river. Just wanted to see other paddlers thoughts on the smaller boat?
There’s no replacement for displacement…
Longer is faster…
I have always liked long boats. I built a Pygmy Coho sea kayak that was 17’6". I have a w/c Old Town that is 18 feet. My favorite Sawyer Charger was 18 1/2 feet. Length gives you speed and some stability.
Now the world loves plastic kayaks and they keep getting shorter. I am convinced the reason is that they are easier to transport. The question of whether to paddle a boat that is 10 feet or 12 feet seems absurd to me. I would not do any serious paddling in either one of them.
Your size would have a big impact on this
Thanks for you reply’s I should of added speed is
not a big priority for me. Ease of transport is a factor though as I drive a Chevy Colorado short bed and my Thule racks work fine with my 12’ but I don’t always have them on the truck so I was thinking I could just strap down the 10.6 in the bed. I do like the like a more stream line boat that comes with length. I guess I was just looking for someone to sell me on the the virtues of a smaller boat other then transport.
There are swamps I sometimes paddle where a short boat would be good. But, I once rented a 10’ boat. Most miserable paddle ever!
I weigh 230 and that was a major factor. I paddled a 12’ for a couple of years and loved it. Then I paddled a 16’ and the real journey began.
I have the Loon 126 and very happy with it. I considered the 106 but my experience with the old Loon 100 vs the Loon 138 changed my mind. I am 6’ over 200lbs and the Loon 100 didn’t feel as stable to me. So for bigger people the 126 is a better choice. And as others said longer is faster and tracks better.