Just wanted to share that this lillydipper paddled for the 100th time this year!!! Mostly in Jersey but also in NC and on the Colorado River in Black Canyon!,!,
Is that all ??
Congrats you are now an official "river rat", or "Lake Lout" or "Ocean Oar"
great ,where did you paddle in nj?
are you retired?
How far did 100 paddles get you? I’m at 67 for the season and have just under 800 miles. With another month, maybe 8 paddles, I will fall short of last season’s 78 paddles for 920 miles. But not bad for a 58 year old working stiff! Congrats on 100… maybe I’ll get there when I retire!
for me so far after paddling today. If retired I would do more!
sounds great
I was on the water 40 days this year. I do not count launching in two different places in the same day as two times. With working full time, I thought I was doing well, but now I have a new goal. Happy paddling to you.
Very cool, even more props for keeping track.
Ryan L.
Paddling Places
I have paddled in the NW corner in NJ. Delaware River, Budd Lake, Lake Aerolex, Lake Musconetcong, Swartswood, Round Valley along with others. Not retired, work full time. I didn’t keep track of mileage but certainly not that high. Some outings were only an hour long during the week.
Very suggestive, but short of advisory.
best guess for me
about 40 outings, but my GPS log starting 12/1/12 show 628 miles. I try to do a minimum of 10 miles each time out.
And Tammy, I think we've run into each other a few times at Split Rock. Were you there during that freak thunderstorm?
43 for me
and every one of them was great. Congrates on reaching 100 - you still have another month to go.
trips/mileage - so far 2012
we are retired. husband - 106 trips/1236 miles
me- 59 trips/627 miles (our daughter got married this summer!) majority of put-ins - tidal Hudson but also the Mohawk and Lake George.
Funny thing to do
to count the number of paddles you take.
or the miles you paddled for that matter.
Nothing wrong with either.
Just a funny thing to do.
I keep a log of each time out, so the count is there in the book. I like looking back for who was with me, wildlife sightings, weather and water conditions, etc.
Funny thing NOT to do
I set goals every year for biking, hiking,backpacking, kayaking, kayak camping, etc. I track my goals throughout the year. I have all kinds of charts, graphs, and logs. I love reviewing my trips. Tracking them keeps me working on my goals all year.
A goal that has escaped me for many years but I haven’t given up on yet is to bike, hike, kayak, and downhill ski all on the same day.
Not really
I didn’t start counting paddle outings until 2010. Started because the paddler I knew who paddled most frequently kept track of his. I thought there might be something positive about it, maybe serve as a reminder to go out a little more often. It was. I paddled more often that year (122 times, IIRC) than any other year. Next year was less but still more than 100 times, and so far this year I’m at 99 times. I’ll be going at least 100 every year from now on, and it does make a difference in skills improvement.
Long ago I kept training diaries for cycling with a lot more info than number of days. I’m not about to start doing that kind of tracking, but keeping count is very quick to do.
I also count number of rolls done per year. Not surprisingly, the years with the higher numbers saw the most “good” ones also.
The objective is not simply to rack up high numbers; it is to improve. Since improvement comes with thinking practice, it doesn’t surprise me that doing more lends itself (does not EQUAL) to improvement.
Have you read “Outliers”? 10,000 hours.