1L vs 3L polyethylene?

I’m considering bying my first kayak and have a Point 65 Five-o-five (http://www.point65.com/Default.asp?page=kayaks&kayak=28) in mind as it seams to be a good choice price/performance.

But the 5o5 is sold ad both 1L and 3L polyethylene,

the price difference is $440 between a 5o5 GT + rudder and a 5o5 3L GTE + rudder.

Does anyone here have any experience with 1L vs 3L is it worth the price. Will the extra stiffness give me anything as a beginner? How much better is 3L for keeping the form of the kayak of the years?

One alternative for me is to bying my friend’s Point 65 Seacruiser (http://www.point65.com/default.asp?page=kayaks&kayak=23) that I have tested during a 3-day paddling last weekend. It’s a little bigger that the 5o5 and is 3L.

Linear versus superlinear? I don’t know
the 1L/3L bit.

3L stiff, but…
it can deform just like 1L. I have a Aquanaut in 3L, and there is an indentation from where it sat on my rack (well padded, I might add). It’s not that big of a deal, but I was surprised to see it, as I thought the 3L didn’t deform. You can definitely feel the stiffness over the 1L.