23 Years on Pnet and finally got censored!


I also spent too much time here and another wet winter is predicted.

If it’s a “wet winter”, I’ll spent slightly less time here so I can paddle surf the waves. :pray: :+1: :love_you_gesture:


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That’s the best you’ve got?

How about the others? You all seemed to be quite verbose earlier. Don’t you want to discuss the matter?

I honestly have no idea what you are bothered by. My apology if I were somehow involved. Disagreements happen in these forums quite often. Sometimes the individuals involved just have to agree to disagree and to just let it go.



All you had to say is you didn’t understand and misinterpreted what I wrote.

I replied to what I considered a cheap veiled attack directed at me. I didn’t mind having my reply deleted, but the cheap comment stayed on line. Don’t mean a thang!

You flagged the posts and they deleted them. I am fine with that. I’m sorry if my comment, an off-topic joking remark, was offensive to you. I would only be upset if a comment of mine was removed if I thought it was important. My post certainly wasn’t important.

I don’t come here looking to pick fights.

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I personally think people get overly tight about off topic posts. If it’s just fluff, my reaction is to pass it over. The problem is when the off topic postvhss significant contenr, then it can’t be retrieved through a topic search.
@SeaDart said it best.
It seems to me that abusive content is challenged by the abused party and it quickly goes away. My feelingbis censor anything you want. If it hapens enough, I’ll find something less impotant to do.

No clue what is going on here and can’t go back and read since it seems to have been deleted. I’m not sure what, when, why, how or who… HMMMMM !

I did however go and look to see how long I have been visiting this site. It doesn’t account for the few years I was a lurker but shows I first posted on June 25, 2002. So according to that data…not 23 years yet {posting} The info shows that I am still under both names and has the same picture of me.