Clean 3’ plus surf with offshore breeze and air temps in the 50s. Time to get an endorphin fix to offset the recent craziness. Surf paddle sessions are free (if you have the equipment already).
Clean 3’ plus surf with offshore breeze and air temps in the 50s. Time to get an endorphin fix to offset the recent craziness. Surf paddle sessions are free (if you have the equipment already).
Fog has cleared. Surf’s up! Very clean 3-4’ swells in the 10-11 seconds range. Perfect waveski day! (With 38 degree water temp, minimum of 5/4 full hooded wetsuit and neo mitts REQUIRED!!!)
Sun broke out, albeit after I was done with the session. Water was wicked refreshing. My waveski roll is off. Thankfully, didn’t have to swim. I made my 3 “combat rolls” by the skin of my wetsuit… Whew! Despite the brisk water temp, it does feel like spring is around the corner. Jovial surfers and friendly beach walkers abound.
It truly is amazing the diversity here, some people just like poking down a small lazy river, @jeremysart, some people like big open water, @PaddleDog52, some people like Whitewater, @tdaniel , some people race, @Craig_S and some people don’t travel to anywhere in particular, they like surfing waves, @sing …I guess its all paddlin.
It must be spring!!! Water temp just topped 40 degrees. 40.8 degrees to be exact. But heck… we got 4’ plus waves with 11 second intervals in MassBay again from a quick moving disturbance overnight.
Endless Winter - Snowstorms every night, water temp is 36 getting itchy to get out and paddle, probably not for a month though.
Hey, nothing says “spring paddling” out west than ice melt whitewater!
On another note. Have you ever surfed an old school (11’ finless) IC, Mega Jester?
I believe I have, but was many years ago. If I remember right I liked it but the cockpit was very tight. Boat was very skinny in the bow. I bought a necky jive from the owner who used to live in Malibu; I don’t remember his name.
Your positive memory is a good starting point. If the sharp chines of my longboat can hold on a waveface, the sharper rails of the the IC should too, sans fins.
Yes, small cockpit. Closer to an ocean cockpit than the more modern small cockpits.
Yes, “spearpoint” like bow. Don’t know how that will ride. Guess focus of cutbacks will keep the nose from pearling into the trough.
The boat looks to be carbon/kevlar (light is good, especially as i get older) and the price is beyond good given upcoming tarriff war.
-Stay safe with snow melt water.
The boat I tried belonged to somebody who had sold one of his homemade surf shoe designs to Malcom and Mega when they were starting out. He was a super gung ho whitewater paddler and told me to come off the waves in an “ender”. This was at San Onofre on a morning very early when we were the only people around on a weekday. There was a really strong backwash coming back from the beach and he showed me how to bury the bow right at the clapotis and then pirouette (or more often land on my head and back). The bow was very easy to bury in the deep foam, but I imagine you could break the boat doing this in usual conditions.
I’ve been trying that with the longboat (the Stratos, NOT the Progression). I end up with the same results–combat roll practice. LOL. I’ve yet to successfully pivot around and end up facing out to the waves.
I think I’ll make a play for the Mega IC.