"Addicted to The Flow..." -

It’s a lifetime pursuit, be in on land or on the water…

I can relate… :slight_smile:



“You don’t quit because you get old,
You get old because you quit.”

So true. Makes me want to get my boat out, but I have to work today - still a youngster.


Me too!!! I am looking at the heat/humidity index and thinking that I need to get on the water. Instead, I better head out for my walk soon, before it gets really BAD… :melting_face:



It’s calling us…


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“… I feel the need to skate …”

People often ask me if I had ‘fun’ out there.
I usually just say ‘yeah’, but, actually, I don’t paddle for ‘fun’, but because of the ‘need’, though ‘fun’ is, at times, a byproduct.

Well… That’s intense! :thinking: So, you truly have an “addiction.” Or, more likely, you have an activity that is so ingrained in your day-to-day that it is a part of you. To not do it is to have something conspicuously amissed.


Only people that have not faced debilitating health challenges believe this.

So both cases can be true - some face debilitating heath issues that age them faster (fate/genetics). Some age because they just stop moving by choice.

Some folks try to “keep going” regardless of the hand dealt, e.g. Travis Roy, Rick Hoyt, Darryl Stingley, and others. It is as much mental as it is physical - doing the best you can with what you have.


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