I really like the convenience of a waterproof camera, but I sorely miss having a polarizer.
Anyone out there have a good setup for putting a polarizing lens on the P&S models that don’t have threads?
I’ve considered using a cheapo flash bracket and a step down ring or something similar, but I’m thinking that would add a lot of bulk. Looking for something simple and easy to remove.
Someone here did it
Glued an adaptor ring to the face of the camera and screwed the filter into that. Don’t remember who it was.
We have a camera repair guy up the
street who could probably do the job. Maybe you can find such a person near you.
But, looking at my Canon point and shoot cameras, the task won’t be easy. My lenses retract into the camera, and an added filter mount would interfere. You might do better by starting with a camera like the Olympus waterproof models, where all lens motion for focusing occurs inside the camera. That way, all you need is a mount for the polarizing filter, and it will stick out only a little at one corner.
Oh, I should mention
that I already have the Olympus 1050SW and it has the little flip down door that covers the lens when it’s off.
I’m trying not to make any permanent mods to the camera. That leaves the tripod mount, strapping bungies around it somehow, or a small clamp of some type. step-up rings and small hoods with threads are good starting points.
adding filters to Pentax Optio
It may not work with Olympus with the lens at the camera corner.
Some ugly, temporary solutions may work surprisingly way. Here is my temporary lens hood for Pentax Optio:
I’ve been using it for more than a year without any changes.